Defending The Relationship

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Once we got to Chris's house Lisa and Carly were there and opened the door holding Dodger back. Chris helped me get out of the car. I thought he would hand me my crutches, but he picked up me up bridal style as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I need to use the crutches you know." I said and he shrugged.

"Again, I will carry you when I can." Chris said and I groaned, and he took me inside. I hugged Carly and Lisa from Chris's arms and then he looked at me.

"Where do you want to be?" Chris asked.

"Couch please." I said and he laid me on the couch. Once he had had me laid down Scott came over and put a pillow under my knee and I looked at him.

"I was reading you care paperwork, your knee needs to be elevated and iced every few hours." Scott said and I smiled.

"Thanks Scott." I said and he smiled. Chris then sat on the couch behind me. I leaned my back into him, and he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"You sure you two want to live together for the time being? I mean you could always stay with Steve and me or I could move into your place..." Scott said and I just looked at him confused as I heard Chris groan.

"We talked about this..." Chris said to Scott.

"No, you talked and asserted your dominance over all of us and just assumed she wanted to be here." Scott said.

"She didn't say she didn't want to be here." Chris said. I looked at Carly and Lisa who looked confused.

"Hey! I'm right here! What the hell is going on?!" I asked pissed off.

"Nothing." Chris and Scott both said at the same time.

"Listen, I don't know what the hell is going on between you two, but these next couple weeks are going to be tense, and I just need it squashed now." I said. Chris and Scott just looked at each other but didn't say anything.

"Well, I'm staying here to help while she is here." Scott said and I groaned since I was here, and they were acting like my fall made me dumb or deaf.

"Like hell you are." Chris said and I sighed shaking my head.

"Okay seriously both of you stop or I swear to go I go stay at my place by myself." I said and both men groaned. I then looked up at Chris. "Just let him stay, okay? Seriously having to take care of me will be a lot and Soph still needs a lot of attention." I said and Chris sighed and then looked at Scott.

"Fine, you stay." Chris said to Scott, and he half nodded. I then looked at Soph who was sitting petting Dodger.

"We are going to head out but everything for you is in Chris's room and the stuff for Soph is in the kids room." Carly said and I nodded as did Chris.

"Thank you, guys, so much." I said and hugged them again and Lisa kissed my cheek.

"You ever need a break from these 2 you call me." Lisa said and I laughed.

"I'm sure I will be calling you." I said and she smiled as she and Carly left.

"Aunt Lo, can I go play in my room?" Soph asked and I smiled at her that she thought the room was hers.

"Yeah, go ahead. Dodger, go with her." I said and they walked away to the room she would be staying in. I looked at Scott.

"You...sit." I said pointing to him and then the coffee table. He grumbled but listened.

"Okay I'm saying this one time and one time only. I love you both, you both are everything to me like Soph is. I don't care what is going on between the two of you right now, but these next weeks are crucial we all get along. I have a lot of emotions right now with my future in the air and I don't need you two bickering like two little bitches. Got it?" I said looking back and forth between Chris and Scott. Neither answered. "Got it?!" I asked more pissed off.

"Got it." They both grumbled and I sighed.

"Okay fine. Can we now just all watch a movie or something and forget all about these attitudes." I said. Chris turned on the tv and as Scott sat in a chair getting more comfortable and we all stand and watched a movie.

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Lore fell asleep during the movie, so I moved her to the bedroom, and I was in the kitchen as Scott came walking in.

"How's Soph?" I asked.

"Playing barbie's watching a barbie movie. She is set." Scott said and I smiled with a nod.

"Perfect." I said

"Okay we need to talk something out." Scott said and I groaned.

"I seriously don't know what you could have to say to me Scott. I'm tired of your shit with this whole situation." I said and Scott groaned.

"Listen, I know you care, and I know you think you love her -..." Scott started to say.

"Woah! Think I love her?! I know I love her Scott, what more do I have to do to prove that to you?!" I asked pissed off.

"I know you, Chris! You forget I have been around with every girlfriend you have been with! You get bored, you move on. Not caring about anyone but yourself and there they sit wondering what that fuck went wrong?! Why would I even sit here and think you have changed?" Scott asked.

"Because I have! I know I haven't shown much faith in the past and I know you may not want to trust me or have Lorelai hurt because she is your friend, but this is different Scott. Lore is different, everything with her just feels natural and right. That's why we have moved so fast. I love her and nothing will change that!" I said. I was so tired of defending my relationship and feelings for Lore. Scott just sighed.

"Just don't fucking hurt her Chris or I swear to god I will never forgive you." Scott said and I just sighed with a slight nod. "I'm going to the store to get some stuff, I'll be back later." Scott said and walked out. Once he was gone, I went to check on Lore and smiled when I opened the door and saw her fast asleep on the bed. I know no one seemed to believe me, mostly Scott but I loved Lore, and nothing was ever going to change my love for her.

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