A Night Out

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I was arriving at Lisa's house to drop off Sophia when the door opened before I could knock, Chris was walking out. I smiled at him as he smiled.

"Good evening, ladies." Chris said and I smiled.

"Good evening." I said.

"Hey Sophia, I just dropped the food off. Everyone is in the living room getting ready to watch some movies. Why don't you head on in." Chris said and she looked up at me, I leaned down giving her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Have a good time kiddo and if you need me, call me." I said and she nodded and was in the house before I could even fully finish the sentence. I saw her kickoff her shoes but that was it.

"You okay?" Chris asked looking at me trying to see in.

"She has never had a sleep over before and I'm slightly panicking." I said and Chris smiled.

"She will be fine. You know my ma, right?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, met her a few times in LA and she even met Sophia a once or twice." I said and Chris smiled.

"Then everything will be fine. Trust me mom is going to spoil them all rotten she won't want to come home." Chris said and I laughed. He shut the door and we headed towards our cars.

"Gee thanks Chris. Makes me think I will never get her back." I said and he laughed.

"You might not. Ma always said the family had too many boys, we need more girls." Chris said and I laughed.

"Maybe she is hinting more at you to settle down..." I said and he laughed his boisterous laugh as we reached my car.

"Oh, trust me, I know she is." Chris said and I smiled. Chris reached around me and opened my car door for me.

"You got plans with Scott tonight?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, going home to change, then he said we are going into Boston to some night club. Usually not my scene but..." I said and Chris smiled.

"Get out, have some fun." Chris said and I smiled with a small laugh.

"Being without Sophia I should be in the rink practicing." I said and Chris sighed.

"Lorelai, come on. I know you have tryouts soon, but your life can't be all skating. One night of fun won't kill you..." Chris said, and I shrugged.

"And if it does?" I asked.

"Then I will put it on your headstone that you said going out would kill you." Chris said and we both laughed again.

"Okay, deal." I said and I got in the car.

"Have a good night, Chris." I said and he smiled.

"You too Lorelai." Chris said and I started up the car leaving Lisa's driveway.

I got home and got changed into a short sequined mini skirt, a black tank top and placed my hair in a high ponytail with some knee-high black boots that had a little sparkle to them. Scott and I took an uber to the club in case we drank. I left a bag of clothes and my car at his place, so I didn't have to go home alone after the club.

We got into the club without waiting, Scott said it was because he knew the bouncer, but I wasn't one to complain. Once we got in, we went directly to the bar to get a drink.

"So, what do you think?" Scott yelled over the music.

"Not as busy as the clubs in LA." I said and Scott nodded.

"I miss hanging out with you." Scott said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him and I placed my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too. Even though you did leave me alone in LA." I said and Scott laughed.

"I know, dance with me and forgive me?" Scott asked and I laughed as we finished out drinks, he took my hand, and we headed out to the dance floor.

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After some time, we were still on the dance floor, but a couple guys asked me to dance, and Scott left me alone to fend for myself since his boyfriend Steve showed up and they were dancing together. I smiled seeing them head to the bar. I looked at the guy I was dancing with and smiled. I pointed to the bar, and he nodded. He kept dancing though as I walked off the floor and sighed.

"Having fun?" Steve asked.

"A blast!" I said and we all laughed as he handed me another drink. Scott looked to the door and groaned.

"What?" Steve asked and he pointed. I shook my head and looked at Scott.

"This may be my fault. I ran into your brother and told him we were going to a club tonight." I said and Scott laughed.

"He would have shown up even if we weren't here. Looking for another conquest no doubt." Scott said and I looked at him confused.

"Your brother comes here to pick up women?" I asked and he nodded.

"Among other places." Steve mumbled and I sighed. I finished my drink.

"I'm going back to the dance floor." I said and Scott smiled.

"Come on!" I said and grabbed his hand and he laughed.

"Give me 10 minutes." Scott said and I nodded and headed to the floor. As I was dancing, I felt someone come up behind me and I looked to see Chris.

"Can I help you?" I asked as he placed his hands on my hips and he smiled.

"You need someone to dance with and my brother seemed to leave you alone." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"Well, you can keep me occupied until Scott comes back." I said and Chris smiled. He pulled my hips back to him until I was flush against him, and we moved in time with the techno beat that was playing some remix of a song. I turned in his grip and smiled at Chris as I placed an arm draped over his shoulder and he smiled down at me. We were just dancing and having a good time. Chris leaned down to my ear.

"Told you it wouldn't kill you." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"The night is still young." I said in his ear, and he laughed.

We danced for a little longer and Scott joined us on the dance floor and grabbed my free hand.

"I'm taking my friend back." Scott said and I laughed as did Chris.

"Okay, I won't overstep." Chris grabbed my hand that I was taking off his shoulder and he kissed the back of it, and I smiled.

"Thanks for the dances, Lorelai." Chris said and I winked at him.

"Call me Lo or Lore." I said and he smiled as Scott pulled me away from Chris.

"Don't Lo." Scott said as we started dancing.

"Don't what?!" I asked confused.

"Just don't, not Chris." Scott said and I just sighed but nodded letting it go and just continuing to have a fun night. 

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