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I was pacing in the waiting room waiting to hear something on Lore. She was being taken care of and I just wanted to be back there with her. I called Carly and Ma one the way of taking Lore to the ER and I was waiting for them to show up. As I was pacing Scott stepped in my path.

"You need to calm down." Scott said and I groaned.

"I'm worried. She was grabbing her knee and screaming in pain! This is everything to her Scott! Her career! And in one instance that mother fu -..." I started to say and then I felt someone grab my hand and I looked to see Soph holding it. I gave her a week smile.

"Is Aunt Lo going to be okay?" Sophia asked and I picked her up.

"Of course, she will sweetie. Listen when Carly and my mom get here you are going to go home with them. I don't need you here, okay?" I said as I saw Carly and Ma walk in.

"No! I want to stay!" Sophia protested.

"Soph please, you need don't need to be here at the hospital." I said and she shook her head vigorously.

"Chris please, I promise I will be good, I won't be in the way. I don't want to go home! Please..." She begged and started crying. I just held her close to me at that point and everyone was looking at me sympathetically.

"Yeah Soph, okay you can stay here with us." I said sitting down and holding her in my lap as she cried. I looked at everyone looking at me with Soph. Ma sat beside me and took one of my hands.

"What exactly happened?" Lisa asked.

"Her and Kayden were fighting, have been since he confessed that he loved her. She turned him down telling him she was in love with me and that's how it was going to be. So, he wasn't even trying today while they practiced. They got into a fight and they last time they were running the routine he dropped her on her knee. She said her wrist hurt too since she tried breaking her fall. It's hard to think it wasn't on purpose." I explained.

"Chris, come on that's a big accusation." Robert said and I sighed.

"I know but it's just convenient." I said.

"He may be on to something. I saw the look in that guy's eyes before he dropped her, it was pure evil." Scarlett said and everyone groaned at this new accusation.

"When will we get to see Aunt Lo?" Soph said lifting her head from my shoulder. I wiped away the tears that were streaking her cheeks.

"Soon sweetie, they are having to check her out and do x-rays." I said and she placed her head back on my shoulder. We were all silent for a few minutes.

"Chris..." Robert said grabbing my attention and I looked up to see Kayden approaching.

"Soph go to my mom." I said and passed her over. I stood up and Scott placed a hand on my chest to stop me from walking.

"Don't do anything in front of Sophia that will scare her. Think of her." Scott said and I glared.

"Remove your hand or lose it." I said and Scott did as I suggested but wasn't happy about it.

"How is she?" Kayden asked as he approached.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?! She is my partner." Kayden said and I huffed a laugh.

"Partner my ass! You dropped her! On purpose!" I said pissed off.

"Get over yourself pretty boy actor. Accidents like that happen all the time while ice skating!" Kayden said getting in my face.

"You looked right at me and dropped her. You did this on purpose because she loves me, not you. She picked me over you. She has never loved you and never will. You need to face that fact." I said and Kayden growled.

"Even if I did drop her on purpose, good luck proving it." Kayden said and I glared at him. I felt a presence behind me, and I gave a smirk.

"Do you see the people I have here with me. Not just my family who loves Lore and would fight any fight for her, but I also have my friends in the industry, they have voices like mine that reach everywhere. It would take 2 seconds for me to type out a message to some of my other friends and we can get the word out about how bad of a partner you were to Lore and how you treated her when she turned down your advances. I'm so tempted right now. I want you to leave Lore alone from now on. There will be no contact and you will be no skating together for try outs." I said and he looked at everyone standing behind me. Carly, Scott, Scarlett and Robert. Scarlett and Robert at their phones in in their hands ready to call Seb and Mackie for help getting the word out.

"Lore has the final say in if we skate together or not." Kayden said.

"She is done, trust me." Scott said and I nodded.

"I think you better go." Scarlett said and Kayden just looked at her.

"Who are you to kick me out? You don't even know her!" Kayden snapped at Scarlett. I got in his face and grabbed his shirt.

"Get the fuck out and don't come back!" I growled at him and shoved him to the door. He just gave us all one final look and stormed out.

I looked down at my hands that were shaking from anger. Robert walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You need to calm down. If not for yourself for that little girl over there. She is scared Chris and needs you right now." Robert said and I looked at Soph who was crying still. She looked at me, got off Lisa's lap and came to where I was standing. I picked her up and held on to her.

It never hit me until now how much Sophia had been through in her life. Losing her parents, Lore taking over being her guardian and parents and having to uproot her entire life. This was a lot for a little kid. I sat back down and just held Soph, waiting for something...anything.

"Family for Lorelai Channels?" The doctor asked walking out.

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