Girls Day

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It had been a week since Chris and I had sex and I was feeling so much better with my leg. I was able to put a lot more weight on my leg but my doctor who I was seeing every week was still telling me to take it easy, elevate and relax. I hated this but it was working.

"Lore..." Chris said in a small voice and leaned over me as I slept.

"Hmmm?" I asked not wanting to wake up, it was early.

"I have a breakfast meeting with Megan to go to. I have to go. I wanted to tell you Scott is here so don't overdo anything while I'm gone." Chris said and I just smiled.

"Whatever you say." I said and Chris laughed.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. What do you say after I get back, we go out. Just the two of us." Chris said and I nodded.

"Sounds good, I will like getting out." I said and he nodded. He gave me another passionate kiss and then walked out of the bedroom. I drifted back to sleep. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep when I heard Sophia yelling from the kitchen.


I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

"Come on Soph, it's all we got." Scott said trying to be calm.

"I DON'T WANT IT!" I heard her yell and a crash. I groaned, got up, got my crutches since I was weak in the morning and walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked confused. I saw Soph sitting at the table with her arms crossed, clearly pouting and Scott was cleaning up the spilled bowl of oatmeal. "Scott, no, if she spilled it or knocked it off the table, she can clean it up because she knows better." I said and Scott looked at me confused and I looked at Sophia. "Clean it up young lady, don't make me tell you again." I said. She grumbled and got on the floor as Scott stood up and walked over to me.

"Sorry, I don't know what's going on." Scott said and I just sighed.

"I think I do...." I said and Scott placed a hand on my back and rubbed. Once she was finished cleaning up the mess, I stopped her from walking away.

"Don't you have something to say to Uncle Scott?" I asked. She had become accustomed to calling him her uncle since all the other kids did. She looked at the floor and we heard her mumble something.

"Hey, no! Eye contact and speak out loud." I said sternly. She looked up and met Scott's eyes.

"I'm sorry Uncle Scott." She said and he gave a small smile and then they hugged.

"Now, does someone want to tell me what the problem is this morning?" I asked and Sophia sighed.

"I didn't want stupid oatmeal." Sophia said.

"Yeah, gathered that issue, what would you like?" I asked.

"Mickey Mouse pancakes!" Sophia said excitedly and I groaned.

"Sweetie, I can't stand long enough to make those right now. They will have to wait until I get better." I said. She grumbled.

"Your stupid knee! Always about your stupid knee." She grumbled and I sighed hanging my head.

"Hey, come one Soph. What exactly are Mickey Mouse pancakes, and can I possibly make them for you?" Scott asked and I looked at Sophia and gave a small smile.

"Can I show Scott what they are, and he make us some?" I asked and she nodded.

I went about explained how simple they were to make. Just one big pancake and 2 small one for Mickey Mouse ears.

"I think I got that covered. Why don't you both go sit down and I will bring them to you..." Scott trailed off and I shook my head.

"I have a better idea." I said and looked at Soph.

"I know you and I haven't had much time together lately and I'm really sorry about that. How about we stay in mine and Chris's room today and watch movies, tv, do whatever you want...within reason and just have an all-out girl's day?" I asked. She started jumping up and down and that's when I knew this was the problem. I hadn't spent much time with her.

"YES!" Sophia said and I smiled. I looked at Scott.

"Once those are done can you bring them into us?" I asked and he nodded.

"Come on Dodger." Sophia said and I looked at her oddly.

"I thought it was girls' day?" I asked and she laughed.

"He is the only guy allowed." Sophia said and I smiled as we walked to the bedroom, and I shut the door.

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I walked into the house, and I didn't see Lore or Sophia. Scott was on the couch.

"Hey, where is everyone?" I asked and Scott sighed with a little smile.

"Well after a meltdown this morning with Sophia, Lore decided that they needed a girl's day and have been holed up in the bedroom all day. No boys allowed." Scott said.

"No boys allowed?" I asked and he nodded. I just shook my head and walked towards the room. Once I got to the room, I opened the door and saw them lying on the bed watching The Little Mermaid and eating popcorn.

"Hey you two." I said.

"No boys allowed!" Sophia yelled.

"Get out!" Lore yelled. Dodger also barked.

"Why does Dodger get to stay?" I asked.

"He is the only boy allowed. No more boys!" Sophia said. Lore looked at me and winked with a smile. I winked back.

"Okay fine, I will go. You need anything let me know." I said and they nodded. I looked at Dodger.

"You staying or coming with me?" I asked and he laid his head back down on the bed. "Traitor." I said and walked out. I walked into the living room and looked at Scott.

"I have lost my girlfriend and my dog." I said sitting next to him and he laughed.

"Any chance of getting one of them back eventually?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"Maybe Lore. Dodger is gone, he is now Sophia's dog." I said and Scott laughed.

"He really is her dog but it's good for her to have him and he have her. Like it's good for you to have Lore." Scott said.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." I said and smiled at Scott. We went to watching tv and having a guy day watching some sports.

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