1 ✔️ the plan

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I was in the middle of a very uh

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I was in the middle of a very uh...heated dream until I was violently shaken awake.

"Nooooo!" I groan.

"Indie! Get up! We're gonna be late." My best friend says as he walks over to my closet and throws my school uniform at me.

I don't bother getting up.

I try my best to fall back asleep and reconnect with the handsome man in my dreams.


"Leave me alone Levi!" I mutter as I pull my ginormous blanket over me.

I heard him mutter a few things to himself but after that, it was quiet.

I wanted to peek my head above my blanket but the fear of him seeing me stopped me from doing so.

I begin to fall asleep but instead, let out a scream when the blankets are torn away from me and I'm thrown over a shoulder.

"LEVI YOU ASSHOLE! Put me down!" I yell as I pound my fists into his muscular back.

"Nu-uh Inds, you need to get ready for school." He says as he finally puts me down and hands me my uniform.

My face heats up when he hands me one of my thongs and matching bra but he remains calm.

I stick my tongue out at him before slamming my bathroom door shut in his face.

I quickly do my morning routine and brush out my frizzy hair before throwing on my uniform and grabbing my sneakers.

I practically sprint down the stairs just to find my little sister waiting there with my lunch and a pop tart for breakfast.

"Thanks, Vi!" I yell as I run out of the house to Levi's truck.

"Wow, 10 minutes...that's a new record." He smirks.

"Shut up and drive," I mumble.

"You must have had one hell of a dream if you slept through your alarm." He chuckles.

"You have no idea."

I quickly look away from him when my mind goes back to the intense dream I had.

A dream that consisted of me and him...and other things.

Yes, I'm in love with my best friend and no he doesn't know.

And to be honest I don't plan on telling him.

I'm perfectly fine admiring him from far away as I have been for the past 8 years.

My friends tell me he should have noticed my crush on him by now but Levi is too blinded by the girl he's liked since middle school, Adeline Remington.

Adeline is...fucking stunning.

She's the daughter of a world-famous model and she herself is a model.

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