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I don't know how I always manage to get myself stuck in these goddamn family dinners

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I don't know how I always manage to get myself stuck in these goddamn family dinners.

The four of us awkwardly sit around the table while eating our dinner.

Adeline and I continue sending each other glances but neither of us bothers to say anything.

Plus, it doesn't help that both Wren and Eli aren't here.

Wren is in LA talking to a record label and I'm pretty sure Eli has hockey practice.

Wren's life managed to change in one day just by posting her song on YouTube.

When we walked into school on Monday, so many people that neither of us even know came up to her and told her how much they love her song.

Even those two bitches who kept saying shit about her during practice.

God, they fucking acted as if they'd been best friends with Wren for years, it was hilarious.

I was planning on missing this fucking dinner so I could go with her but she kept insisting that I need to fix things with my parents and that she already asked Ro to take her.

So now I'm stuck here.


"How are you feeling?" My dad suddenly asks me.

"I'm fine."

I didn't even bother going home after the hospital released me, not after finding out what my dad said to Wren while I was in surgery.

He was fucking blaming her for my crash!

It wasn't her fault, she was the one who told me I shouldn't leave because it was too late.

She tried to stop me.

"Ambrose, I know you're mad but I was just trying to do what's best for-"

"You wouldn't know what's best for me even if it smacked you upside the fucking head! You aren't a fucking father and the fact that you try to act like one is pathetic! Throughout my 18 years of living, Wren has been there for me more than either of you have." I snap.

"That girl is the reason why you turned down everything we've ever worked for!" He argues.

"Everything I'VE EVER WORKED FOR, not you! All you did was pay for it." I scoff.

"How do you think you got as good as you did? Because I paid for the best of the best to train you!"

"Did it ever occur to you that I didn't want a bunch of random people training me and watching over me? I fucking needed you, Dad! I needed my father but you were always so damn busy playing games and going to parties that you couldn't even fucking see that."

He finally closes his mouth and I let out a frustrated huff.

"This girl...she really makes you happy, doesn't she?" My mom asks.

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