34 ✔️ difficult decisions

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I don't know what the fuck is going on with my girlfriend but it's starting to piss me off

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I don't know what the fuck is going on with my girlfriend but it's starting to piss me off.

It's been a whole fucking 24 hours and she's still giving me the cold shoulder.

What the fuck did I even do?

I've never been more confused in my life.

Wren is currently sitting on the couch binge-watching Law & Order for the 100th time while I'm in the kitchen microwaving a bag of popcorn.

She's barely been talking to me, just mumbling a few "mhm's" and "nope's".

I've been trying everything to get her to say more than one word but she won't budge.

Something tells me this has something to do with college.

Ever since Levi's tryouts, she's been talking about her future a lot more.

She's been stressing about how she doesn't know what she wants to do.

I mean she knows she wants to pursue music but it's not easy stepping into the music world.

The chances of becoming a successful singer nowadays are almost slim to none and becoming a songwriter is just as difficult.

But I know Wren, she's not gonna give up that easily.

She would fucking overwork herself to death if it meant she even had one chance to write a song.

That's what I'm worried about though.

I don't want her to be overly stressed because I know how she gets when she's overwhelmed.

We're all heading off to college soon meaning Wren will actually be alone.

No more random check in's from Ro or girl's nights with Indie, Emmy, and my sister.

It's just gonna be her and the thought of her being alone makes me physically ill.

I take my popcorn out of the microwave before walking back over to the couch and taking a seat next to her.

She reaches over to grab a piece but I slap her hand away.

"Ow! What was that for?" She groans.

"You're not allowed a piece until you tell me what's gotten you in such a pissy mood?"

She sighs and just when I thought she would say something, she doesn't.

For fuck's sake!

I decided to test my luck by putting my arm around her waist and pulling her close to me.

Last night was the first night we slept together without her basically sleeping on top of me and I hated every fucking second of it.

It's almost like I can't sleep without Wren being around me.

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