17 ✔️ out with the old and in with the new

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Indigo speed walks towards the principal's office while I try my best not to wince from the pain spreading across the left side of my face

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Indigo speed walks towards the principal's office while I try my best not to wince from the pain spreading across the left side of my face.

"Why the hell did you punch me?" I ask.

"Are all guys fucking stupid lately? You deserved to be punched dickhead." She scoffs.

She walks into the office, not even bothering to hold the door open, and takes a seat outside of the principal's office.

There are only 2 seats so I'm forced to sit next to her.

She's bouncing her leg obnoxiously fast and leans her head back on the wall behind us.

The nurse comes up to me and hands me an ice pack which I gladly take.

The coolness of the ice pack immediately lessens the pain in my cheek and I let out a sigh of relief.

I notice her holding her fist and it's then that I realize she probably hurt her hand when she punched me.

I offer her my ice pack and she seems surprised by the action.

"I don't need it anymore," I mumble.

Yes, I do but she's clearly in pain and I've definitely been in worse situations.

Once during one of my games, some guy purposely slid in front of me and I broke my leg.

Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to see your own bone sticking out of your leg?

No? Well, it's quite a disturbing sight.

She takes the ice pack and places it on her knuckles.

"Thanks." She mutters.

The door of the principal's office swings open and a couple of other students walk out before Indie and I make our way in.

"Oh great, another fight." He mumbles.

Indie rolls her eyes and sits in one of the seats while I take the other.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I punched Landon." Indie shrugs.

"Alright, why?"

"Because he's an asshole."

My eyes widen at her words while he looks bored.

"Language Ms.Adair! Thank you for being honest, I'll set you up for 3 days of detention-"

"Wait, I- I was being an asshole and I deserved it," I admit.

"Language Mr.O'Neil! Fine, you both can spend time in detention." He sighs before shooing us out.

Indie hands the nurse her ice pack before we both walk out so we can head back to class.

"So what's up with you? Usually, Levi is the aggressive one." I ask.


"That's bullshit, but it's fine you don't have to tell me."

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