29 ✔️ busted!

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"Is that fucking true?" Emmy asks as everyone stares at me

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"Is that fucking true?" Emmy asks as everyone stares at me.


Suddenly Eli lunges at me again but he's stopped when Levi and Ambrose yank him back.

"You're a fucking liar Ro! You literally fucking told me you cheated on them!" He yells.

"I was lying!"

"What?" Everyone asks with a raised brow.

"I never cheated on anyone! Truth is I couldn't be with another girl because I've always been in love with your sister! Ever since we were kids."

"Then why the fuck would you say you cheated?" Indie asks.

"Because I've used the breakup excuse too much."

"Wait wait wait, how many girls have you broken up with because of Emmy?" Adeline asks.


"The fact that he needs to think about it means there's a lot." Ambrose chuckles but quickly stops when Wren smacks his chest.

Eli slips out of Levi and Ambrose's grip before walking over to me.

I try my best to not seem intimidated but he's fucking terrifying.

Not as scary as his sister but scary.

He grips the collar of my shirt and yanks me towards him.

Emmy begins to protest but he doesn't reply.

"Are you fucking lying?" He asked me.

"I swear to god I'm not."

He continues staring me down but eventually lets me go.

He looks over at Em and then at me.

"Do you love him?" He asks Emmy.

"Emmy you don't have to-"

"I do." She says with a confident nod.

My heart actually stops at her words.

She loves me?

She walks up next to me and takes my hand in hers.

His eyes move down to our interlaced fingers.

"If you fucking hurt her Ro, nothing will stop me from putting you into a fucking full-body cast." He warns and I put my hands up in defense.

"You have my word," I assure him.

"Do we- do we have your blessing?" Emmy asks.

I know having her brother's blessing is super important to her.

Emmy and Eli could be fucking twins, that's how close they are.

They've gone through everything together.

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