27 ✔️ the morning after...

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I wake up around 10 AM and am immediately surrounded by long strands of blonde hair

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I wake up around 10 AM and am immediately surrounded by long strands of blonde hair.

I look over to my right and find Adeline cuddled up to my side.

Her lips are slightly agape and her hand is laid out on my chest.

She's a fighter, I'll give her that.

I wasn't easy on her last night but she took it all.

And each time she told me she was mine.

She's mine.


I hear some talking coming from downstairs so I slowly slide out from beneath her and pull on my clothes.

I quietly leave the room before making my way down to the kitchen.

"Ro stop!" I hear my sister squeal.

"You think you could just throw flour at me and expect me not to get my revenge princess?"

As soon as I walk in, I find them both, their pajamas covered in flour but that's not the part that confuses me, it's the way Ro is looking at her.

I watch as she takes a small handful of flour and throws it at his face.

Ro gasps and she laughs.

He suddenly grabs her by the waist and-

"Oh, hey Eli!" Indie greets me as she and Landon walk into the kitchen.

I watch as Ro and Emmy take a large step away from each other.

"Uh- hey E!" My sister says.

"Hey. What happened to you two?" I chuckle.

"Ro was being a dick as per usual." My sister mutters.

"You started it!" Ro defends.

"No, you did!"


"Both of you hush! It's way too early for you two to be arguing." Indie groans as takes a sip of her coffee.

I'm sorry, was I just imagining my best friend and sister being all flirty with each other?

Maybe Adeline knows something?

"Dude, where were you this morning? Your bitchy girlfriend was literally cursing us all out before she left."

"I broke up with her."

"What? But you've only been together for like a week?" My sister laughs.

"I never liked her."

Everyone stares at me with wide eyes.

"Dude, that's so fucked up," Indie says.

"What's going on in here?" Wren asks as she and Ambrose walk over to the pot of coffee.

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