30 ✔️ futures and friendships

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"Levi, Indie, come help me set the table!" My mom calls out from the kitchen

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"Levi, Indie, come help me set the table!" My mom calls out from the kitchen.

Levi and I quickly get up from the couch and make our way into the kitchen.

Tonight Levi and his mom are having dinner with my family and me.

Our parents are super close and we used to have weekly dinners together but that slowly became monthly dinners since my dad is constantly gone for work.

Luckily he's here now and we're all together.

Things with Levi are a lot better.

I was worried he and Landon would end up arguing throughout the whole trip but they both surprised me when they actually talked like civilized people.

They even fucking laughed with each other!

I'm sure you could imagine how quickly my jaw dropped.

I'm glad they're getting along.

It's important that my uh- fling and best friend get along.

And even if they're not gonna be close friends, I appreciate them trying for me.

Landon still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend which is starting to really confuse me.

I mean he's giving me all the signs that we're together but he still hasn't put a label on it.

I kinda brought it up while we were on the trip and he said he doesn't care for labels.


What the fuck does that mean?!

God, I'm so done with high school boys, I'm ready for some college men.

I set the table while Levi helps my mom bring the food to the table.

My sister helps me place all the glasses and silverware onto each of the placemats and soon enough we're all sitting around the table, filling our plates with food.

"Levi, your mother was telling me about a soccer team in Spain you're interested in?" My dad asks.

What? SPAIN?!

Levi looks nervously at me and awkwardly clears his throat.

"Um yeah- Lance O'Neil has been scouting a few of us for a team he's been forming for the past few years. He's hosting a competition this weekend with a bunch of guys from teams around the whole state to see who he wants to recruit." Levi explains.

"What will happen when you get picked?" My mom asks.

"You mean if?" He asks.

"No, she means when. You're by far the most hardworking person I've ever met and you will get this." I tell him and he smiles.

"If I get picked, I leave for Spain." He shrugs.

Wait what?

"After graduation, right?" I ask.

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