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"Fucking jocks

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"Fucking jocks."

I decided to go to a nearby cafe to try to get some inspiration for a new song I'm writing for my songwriting class and when I tell you I have nothing written in my songbook, I have nothing.

Usually, lyrics come easy to me but lately I've been struggling.

Oh, and the worst part is that it has to be a love song.

How the fuck does someone write a love song if they've never been in love?

Anyways, I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the tiny cafe until a group of jocks and cheerleaders from my school stormed in.

They're laughing and making jokes while everyone in here looks just as annoyed as I do.

I was about to get up and leave but I stopped when I noticed a certain basketball player walk in.

Ambrose Foster.

Even though he's a jock, you never really see him at any get-togethers or parties so I'm pretty surprised he's here.

He's surrounded by cheerleaders and his teammates but the look on his face tells me he just wants to leave.

Whatever, not my problem.

I finish my tea and leave a tip for the waitress before grabbing my things and making my way toward the exit.

"Well well well boys, look who we have here...the wannabe Taylor Swift." One of them hollers as I walk past their table.

I swear these jocks are so fucking dumb.

If he thinks that offended me, he's wrong.

I would kill to be the next Taylor Swift.

She's rich, hot, and literally one of the best artists on the planet.

So if they think I'm a wannabe T-Swift then fuck it, I guess I am.

I roll my eyes and continue walking but freeze when a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back so I'm sitting on their lap.

"Why don't you sing something for us?" He smirks.

"Why don't you choke on a dick?" I scoff as I try to push him off.

"Feisty...I like it." He says as his arms wrap around me tightly.

"Let go of me!"

"Not until we get that song, right guys?"

Everyone at the table cheers and laughs except for Ambrose who's just...staring at me.

"Get off!" I yell before elbowing him in the face.

He groans before finally letting me go.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I spit before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

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