33 ✔️ ambrose did what?!

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I used to hate watching basketball

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I used to hate watching basketball...until I saw my smoking hot boyfriend play.

Now there's nothing I love more than watching a sweaty Ambrose run up and down the court shirtless.

I watch as he runs down the court with his teammates and as soon as the ball is handed to him, he looks over at me, sends me a wink, shoots the ball, and successfully makes a three-pointer.

Cocky asshole.

But I love him.

I continue watching but get sidetracked when I hear my name.

"God, Ambrose Foster is so fucking hot." One of the cheerleaders says with a sigh.

"I know! It's just too bad that he's dating that loser Wren Ashford." Another says.

"Oh god, is she the one with the cracked-out parents?"

"Yeah! I heard that she tried to kill herself."

"She was probably just doing it for attention."

Jesus, do these girls not know how to whisper?

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole fucking gym heard them.

I wish I could say that I was offended by their words but I've heard it all before, I'm used to it now.

I just wish they would leave Ambrose out of it.

Like if you hate me that's fine but don't talk shit about my boyfriend just because he's dating me.

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard guys talking about how Ambrose has "lost his edge" now that he's dating a girl with so many issues.

I seriously don't understand why people care so much.

What do you even say to that?

Like sorry, he's my boyfriend and not yours? Or I'm sorry your friend has great taste in girls and you don't?

I don't fucking know!

The girls look back at me with an unimpressed look and I send them a tight smile before flipping them off.

They scoff and turn back around.


Ambrose is off the court now, he runs up to me and grabs his water bottle that's sitting right next to me.

"Don't listen to them." He says.

"You heard them?"

"It was kinda hard not to."

SEE! I told you they were loud!

"I don't fucking care what they think."

"Good." He says before leaning down and kissing me.

"Foster! You can play tongue hockey with your girlfriend later! Get back in here!" His coach yells.

I laugh as I pull away from him and he runs back over.

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