10 ✔️ mine

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I watch her as she sleeps peacefully

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I watch her as she sleeps peacefully.

Truth is I didn't sleep at all last night, I barely ever do.

She's snuggled up close to me, her mouth slightly agape and her hair is a mess.

Yes, I took Wren's first kiss and no, I don't regret it.

Not in the slightest.

I want all her firsts-

No scratch that, I will have all her firsts because I'm fucking greedy and she's mine.

She's been mine for years now, she just doesn't know that...yet.

I mean there's been plenty of opportunities for Wren to have had her first kiss or her first date...something just always got in the way.

That something being me.

Call me psycho but every guy except for Rhodes and Levi knows that she's mine.

I've made it clear.

Wren thinks we've only known each other since 7th grade but the truth is we've known each other longer.

Well, I've known her longer.

When I was 11, I was diagnosed with leukemia.

Yeah I know, boo hoo so sad, whatever.

Luckily we caught it at an early stage and I still had the option to receive chemo treatments, so for over 6 months of my life, I was in and out of the hospital doing treatments.

I always hated the hospital.

I hated the way the nurses and doctors would try to console me and tell me everything would be all right.

I hated being around other kids like me.

I hated the fact that I knew that chemo doesn't always work.

I hated it all.

However, one day before starting one of my treatments, I heard music coming from down the hall, and being the curious child I was, I followed the noise.

I was led to a music room I didn't even know the hospital had and saw a girl my age singing while playing the piano.

A few kids were sitting on the floor watching her while she sang happily.

I was instantly mesmerized.

She had long brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail and she was wearing a long red shirt with a pair of blue jeans covered in paint splatters.

And even though she looks like a mess, she would continue singing before getting up and dancing with the kids while teaching some of them how to play.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Suddenly my name was being called and the girl looked up but I quickly walked away before she could see me.

I didn't want her to be grossed out by my shaved head and pale face.

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