32 ✔️ jealousy is an ugly thing

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My dad offered Levi one of the spots

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My dad offered Levi one of the spots.

He offered one to Levi and not me.


Don't get me wrong, Levi is a great player but we play at the same level!

How the fuck did I not get offered one.

Levi enters the locker room with a smile on his face and I begin dressing quicker.

"That took forever," I told him.

"Oh uh- yeah, I was talking to my friends." He lies.

Why would he fucking lie? He should be jumping for joy.

"Great job today." He says.

"Thanks," I mumble before shutting my locker and grabbing my things.

"Aren't you gonna join us for lunch?" He asks.

"Can't, something came up."

I quickly walk out of the locker room and find Indie and her friends waiting outside for Levi.

"Hey!" Indie greets me as she walks over to me.

Her smile is identical to Levi's smile.


"Are you okay? You seem upset."

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"


"Um okay, well-"

"Actually Inds I have to go but I'll talk to you later," I tell her as I spot my dad walking over to his car.

"Oh, okay."

I make a straight fucking beeline towards him and he stops when he sees me.

"Why the fuck did you give Hendrix a spot?" I ask.

"Because he's an amazing player." He says bluntly.

"You assured me that one of those spots was mine."

"Yeah, well I found someone a lot better."

"Are you saying Hendrix took MY spot?"

"So what if he did, get over it. You should've done better today."

"Screw you! That spot should be mine."

"Well, it's not. Look, if Levi doesn't take the spot, then it's yours."

"Levi didn't accept it?"

"Not yet, he said he needed to talk to his mother first."

So there's a chance I could still get a spot.

But only if Levi doesn't go...


"This is so fucking unfair! I deserved that spot and you took it away from me!" I yell.

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