45 ✔️ everything happens for a reason

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"Alright boys! Come on in!" Coach O'Neil yells.

My teammates and I gather around him while desperately chugging down our waters.

"Nice job today! As you know our season begins in a few weeks and I need you boys on your A-game before your first game. Now, go home and rest! I'll see you all tomorrow!" He says.

We begin walking over to the locker room until I hear my name being called.

"Hendrix! A word?" Mr.O'Neil calls out.

I wave goodbye to a few of my teammates before walking over to him.

"What's up, coach?" I ask.

"I need you to grab your things and meet me in my office." He says bluntly.

I feel my heart drop before I stiffly nod.

"Um yeah- okay."

I watch as he walks off toward his office while I make my way into the locker room.

I quickly take a shower and change into my sweats and hoodie before grabbing my soccer bag and heading toward his office.

What the fuck did I do that he possibly needs to talk to me about?

Oh shit, wait...I was late to practice the other day because I stayed up almost all night on the phone with Indie.


Indie kept telling me to go to bed but I just couldn't sleep.

Ever since I moved here I haven't been able to sleep properly.

I keep thinking about my friends, my mom, Indie...

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm here but there are definitely times when I want to go back.

I reach his office and as soon as I walk in, I find the chair turned away from me.

Fuck, he's really mad.

I mean I signed a fucking contract and being late was listed as a BIG no-no.

"Look coach, if this is about me being late for practice the other day I swear I didn't do it on purpose! I was on the phone with my girlfriend and I lost track of time. It's just so damn hard being so far away from her and I'm SO SO sorry."

I don't care how fucking desperate I sound, I'm willing to do anything to stay on this team.

When he doesn't reply, I immediately grab my water bottle and due to nerves, I begin chugging it all down.

"You know, I don't remember you asking me to be your girlfriend."

I freeze.

The chair suddenly turns around and I spit out my water.

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