24 ✔️ the broken doll

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⚠️ TW: Mentions of SA/Abuse ⚠️

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⚠️ TW: Mentions of SA/Abuse ⚠️

"I'm glad you decided to finally talk to me." My mom says as soon as I take my seat across from her.

"It wasn't my choice, it was his," I mutter while pointing at Ambrose who takes a seat next to me.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs.Ashford." He says while holding out his hand.

"You too...Ambrose was it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you for convincing her." She says.

They both look down at me while I read through the menu.

I don't know why Ambrose bothered trying, I'm not gonna talk to her.

She fucked up my entire life.

She left me alone with Satan herself and then that bitch ended up leaving too.

I've been alone for years with no one but my friends who stay with me from time to time.

All because she was or maybe still is a fucking fiend.

"How are you, Wren?" She asks.

Is she serious right now?

How am I?

"Swell," I mutter.

"Right um- how is school?"


I hear Ambrose clear his throat awkwardly but I just ignore him.

I ignore both of them.

I don't even want to be here, Ambrose told me I should talk to her and hear her out.

But he never said I had to forgive her.

"Just say whatever you need to say so I can fucking leave." I spit.

My mom's eyes widen at my tone but I don't give two shits! If it were up to me I would be home and locked up in my room writing a new song.

The best songs do come from heartbreak.

"Wren...I just wanted to apologize for everything-"

"Of course you do, and now you're gonna talk about how you never meant to get addicted to drugs and how you thought aunt Sarah would take great care of me."

She remains quiet.

"Well guess fucking what mom, she didn't! She treated me like shit! She didn't fucking take care of me, she made me take care of her and whatever fucking guy she was sleeping with that week! Those fucking men...they were horrible! YOU DON'T KNOW HALF THE SHIT I WENT THROUGH!" I yell.

At this point, everyone in the whole restaurant is staring at us.

I feel my heart rate picking up and my throat closing.

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