28 ✔️ big brother duties

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"Ro...we could get caught." I moan.

"Shh, you're ruining the moment."

"What moment? We're making out in the laundry room." I laugh.

Suddenly the drier begins to rumble and we both laugh.

"It adds to the pleasure," Ro says.

"Shut up." I chuckle as I hop off the drier and head over to the door but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.

"Happy Birthday princess." He whispers and I suddenly feel something on my neck.

I look down and see a necklace with a single diamond hanging from the middle.

The exact necklace I was eyeing at Tiffany's a couple of weeks ago.

"Oh my god! Ro! How did you know?" I gasp.

He wasn't even there when I was looking at the necklace.

"Because I know you...plus I may or may not have been spying on you." He admits.

"I love it!"

"Only the best for you."

I'm seriously in shock, I never thought Ro would go all out for my gift.

"Thank you, baby," I say with a big smile.

He laughs at my reaction and just before I could kiss him again, we hear footsteps approaching the laundry room and my heart drops.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I gasp.

The door opens and Ro and I both let out a sigh of relief when Wren enters.

"Oh god, please don't tell me you two fucked on the dryer! My clothes are in there!" She groans.

"No, we did not fuck on the dryer! I'm more classy than that!" I argue before walking past her and to my room.

"Eh...I don't know about that Em." Ro says and I freeze before turning around to glare at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well...we did fuck in my car...twice, you gave me head at the movies, I went down on you during your brother's hockey game in the bathroom-"

"Alright, I get it! Now shut up before someone hears you." I warn.

He puts his hands up in defense but that stupid wide grin doesn't leave his face.

"We could make it three times in my car if you meet me down there in 20 minutes." He smirks.

"Ro!... Fine, but don't let Eli catch you-"

"Don't let Eli catch what?" Both Ro and I's eyes widen when we hear my brother's voice from behind us.

He looks at us with a raised brow and all my words die in my throat.

"Don't let Eli catch you talking about the party at the house next door, we know how much you hate the Johnson kids," Ro answers calmly.

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