35 ✔️ sibling love

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Wren and I immediately rush through the hospital doors and we find my parents sitting in the waiting lounge looking just as anxious as us

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Wren and I immediately rush through the hospital doors and we find my parents sitting in the waiting lounge looking just as anxious as us.

"What's going on? How is he?" I ask my mom.

"He's in surgery."


When my mom called me an hour ago and told me about Ambrose's accident, I almost had a fucking heart attack.

I already yell at Ambrose every time he uses his bike for this fucking reason exactly!

And now that my worst fucking nightmare has come true, I feel sick to my stomach.

I almost lost Ambrose once, there's no way in hell I'm gonna lose him now.

He's by far the strongest person I've ever met and even though he likes to downplay all the shit he went through, I know he thinks about it sometimes.

Ambrose is a fighter.

It takes a lot to get him to give up and I know he is fighting during that surgery to keep himself alive.

God, please PLEASE let my brother be okay.

Even though he and I aren't biologically related, he's still my brother and he will always be my brother.

We've gone through a lot together and we've always stuck by each other's side.

God, I don't know what I would do if the worst happens.

I don't even want to think about that.

"Why the hell did you bring her?" My dad snaps.

"What? You mean his girlfriend? Why wouldn't I bring her?"

"This is all her fault! If Ambrose was home instead of with her then he would be okay!" He yells and Wren flinches a bit.

"Woah, woah, none of this is Wren's fault. Ambrose decided to ride his bike late at night and she's been nothing but a great girlfriend to him." I argue.

"She's the fucking reason he turned down Duke!"

"I- I'm sorry sir, I never wanted Ambrose to do that. I tried to convince him to change his mind." Wren says.

Wait, Ambrose declined Duke for Wren?

Jesus, I knew he was in love but wow.

That's adorable.

"Enough! I don't want to hear anything from you." My dad says before walking off to talk to the doctor.

My mom gives Wren a sympathetic smile before following him.

"Don't listen to him, Wren-"

"He's right Adie! This is all my fault! Ambrose and I got into a big argument about our future together and he stormed out."

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