48 ✔️ epilogue pt.2 (Emory & Rhodes)

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"Alright my little monkey, which hairstyle do we want today?" I ask my daughter

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"Alright my little monkey, which hairstyle do we want today?" I ask my daughter.

"Piggies please!" She says as she hands me two neon pink hair ties.

"Yes ma'am."

I quickly brush out her dark down curls and spray her hair with some water before tying them up in two perfect pigtails.

"Thank you, Mommy!" Gracie says as she stands up on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek.

"No problem." I chuckle.

She quickly rushes out of the bathroom and I begin to clean up.

"OW! Get off of me Nate!"

And...there goes my peace and quiet for this morning.

I don't know how the fuck it never occurred to me that my sons would be exactly like their father.

"Not until you give me my book back!"

"Then give me my notebook!"

The two of them continue shoving and hitting each other while I watch in amusement.

"Are you not gonna stop this?" Ro asks, causing me to jump.

"Nope. It's your turn to get smacked in the face."

"Ughhhh!" He groans as he walks over to our little terrors.

I watch as he steps between them and pushes them away from each other.

I burst out laughing as he places his hands on their heads and they try to fight out of his grip.

"What happened this time?" He asks them.

"HE STARTED IT!" They yell.

Ro lets out a huff before taking a seat on the edge of the tub.

"Liam, give Nate his book back and Nathan, give your brother his notebook back," Ro says.

"No!" They both say before folding their arms over their chests.

"Don't make me bring your mother into this," Ro warns and both boys' eyes widen.

They quickly hand each other their things back and I laugh.

"Good boys," I tell them before giving each of them a kiss on the head.

Ro and I walk out of the kids' shared bathroom before making our way into our bedroom.

"You need to teach me the whole scary parent thing." He says.


"Yes you are but that's what I love about you." He says as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Nice save jackass," I mutter before standing up on my tiptoes and giving him a quick peck.

"EW! Mommy and Daddy are kissing!" A familiar little voice yells.

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