49 ✔️ epilogue pt.3 (Wren & Ambrose)

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Whoever told me parenting gets easier as children grow up, FUCKING LIED!

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Whoever told me parenting gets easier as children grow up, FUCKING LIED!

Especially when you have identical twin daughters who are POLAR opposites.

"Ambrose! A little help here!" My wife calls out from upstairs.

I quickly pause my movie before making my way upstairs.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I walk into the room.

"I'm being attacked by two adorable dinosaurs!" She laughs as our daughters who are now dressed up in blue and green dinosaur onesies jump into her arms.

I laugh at the sight of them.

"Let's get daddy now!" Hayven suggests as they quickly climb off their mom and run over to me.

They don't even get the chance to attack me as I quickly bend down and carry them both into my arms.

"Awww you're no fun Daddy." They groan as they drop their heads on my shoulders.

"Sorry my little dinos, but last time you two attacked me, I ended up with a sprained ankle." I chuckle.

"Oh right...we don't want that again, do we, girls?" Wren asks.

"No, we don't." They say.

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggest.

"I WANNA PICK THE MOVIE!" They both yell.

"Whoever gets the remote first can pick the movie," I say as I set them down.

As soon as their feet touch the floor, they take off.

"That was not your smartest move," Wren says as she throws the girls' clothes in their hamper.

"Why not?"

"Because now they're gonna fight over the remote, one or both of them will get hurt, and then they won't talk to each other for a whole day."

"They won't do that."

"Oh really? Then let's make a bet."

"I'm listening..."

"If I win, you'll take the girls to school every day next week."

Oh god...I better not fucking lose.

"Fine and if I win, you have to try that thing I've been wanting to try," I smirk.

"What thi- No Ambrose! I'm not letting you tie me up during sex." She scolds.

"Then you better not lose this bet."

She continues arguing with me as we make our way downstairs and I internally groan when I see the girls fighting over the remote.

"Dad! I got the remote first!" Presley whines.

"No, you didn't! I did!" Hayven argues as she tugs the remote from her sister.

"I win!" Wren sings as she walks up to the girls.

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