25 ✔️ dinner with the fosters

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"Ambrose- fuck!" She gasps before giving my hair another tug

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"Ambrose- fuck!" She gasps before giving my hair another tug.

Ever since I took Wren's virginity in my car the other night, I haven't been able to keep my hands off of her.

All we do now is eat, go to school, eat, fuck, eat, sleep, and repeat.

I'm not complaining.

She's fucking addicting and there's no better sound than hearing her moan and scream my name.

"That's it, baby, you're doing so good."

Her head falls back as she wraps her legs around my waist causing me to hit a certain spot.

"Fuck!" I groan.

She sits up on her elbows and begins kissing and nibbling on the skin of my neck.

Her breath hitting my neck causes chills to form all across my skin.

"Please-" She whimpers.

She's so submissive it's the biggest fucking turn-on.

"Not yet."

She lets out a yelp when I flip her over onto her hands and knees and push into her again.

What I've learned about Wren and what she likes sex-wise is that she enjoys being dominated.

She likes to let go.

She likes when I'm rough with her.

She fists the blankets and moans into the pillows.

"Oh fuck- fuck!" I moan.

Jesus, I never moan during sex but this girl is something else.

"A- Ambrose I-" She's cut off when I reached around her and began rubbing her clit.

I feel myself getting close and my strokes begin to grow sloppy.

"Let go," I tell her and she does.

Fuck, we both do.

She collapses onto the bed while I take off the condom and throw it out.

"You okay?" I chuckle.

She doesn't bother raising her head from her pillow but she gives me a thumbs up.

"You're gonna kill me." She sighs.

"I think that's a great way to die."

"That's a fair point." She laughs as she lays her head on my chest.

I feel her gently trace the lines of my tattoos while humming.

"I wrote a song about you." She whispers.


"Mhm. You're the second guy I've ever written a song for."


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