9 ✔️ first kiss fuck up

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There's a present in front of my front door

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There's a present in front of my front door.


I stand there, frozen.

What if it's a bomb? What if there are spiders in there?


It's been over 2 weeks since the first gift arrived and just because that one happened to be my dream guitar, doesn't mean this one isn't dangerous.

I take a step closer and lightly kick it before running back a couple of feet.

Hmmm...not a bomb and no live animals.

Ugh, fuck it.

I walk up, grab the box and head into my house.

I place the box on the table and open my fridge just for it to be empty...again.

Fuck, when was the last time I went to the grocery store?

I head upstairs to grab my bag and a jacket before leaving my house, making sure to lock the front door.

For those of you wondering, my car has been doing okay.

Emmy's brother and Ro were nice enough to fix my engine last weekend. I think it's safe to say my car only has a couple of months left meaning I'll probably need to get another job.


Once I get to the grocery store, I immediately make my way to the frozen food section.

Look, I can't cook for shit and the only way I'm surviving is by one word...microwave.

Oh, and I can boil water.

Obviously, I get sick of the TV dinners but I don't have time to cook plus my friends sleep over all the time and cook for me whenever they're there so it's not like my insides are only filled with half-frozen chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes.

"Save some for the rest of us Ashford." I hear a deep chuckle from right behind me.

"Well well if it isn't my stalker, how can I help you creep?"

"Relax, I just came here for beer."

"But you're only 18."

"No one ever asks for my ID." He shrugs.

Must be nice.

"Okay...bye!" I mutter as I push my cart away.

"Wanna explain why your cart only consists of shitty TV dinners?" He asks.

"Wanna leave me the hell alone?"

"Nah I'm okay."

"Careful, I carry pepper spray and a taser."

No, I don't but I really should.

"You would never use them on me."

"Oh please! You don't know me."

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