5 ✔️ my brother's best friend

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I like to think I'm the brains of the group

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I like to think I'm the brains of the group.

Oh, and the hot one.

Yeah, definitely the hot one.

And now I've come up with the perfect plan to get my two best friends together and it WILL work.

"I can't believe you dragged us to the mall at 9 AM." Indie groans.

"I don't want people buying all the good stuff, now hurry up!" I yell as I speed-walk to the closest boutique.

Our school gave us the day off after something exploded in the science lab.

Whoever did that, I love you.

Do you know how much better it is to shop on weekdays rather than on weekends? It's a lot better.

I hear Wren and Indie mutter a few things behind me but they do end up following me.

"$300 bucks for a pair of jeans? Who the fuck do they think I am, a Kardashian?" Wren scoffs.

"Don't worry about the price guys, my treat."

"Emmy, how many times have I told you that I don't need you paying for me." Wren groans.

"Hush Wreny...now shop," I say before looking through a rack full of cute dresses.

"Everything here is so...pink." Indie mumbles.

"Which is why it's so perfect!" I squeal.

I show them a few dresses, Indie gives me a thumbs up while Wren shrugs.

If it wasn't obvious enough, we all have different styles and different personalities.

Indie is the bubbly one, she mainly dresses comfy but she definitely does know how to dress if she really tries. Her style mainly consists of denim shorts and t-shirts with quotes on them, sometimes she wears dresses but only when it's an important event.

Wren is the reserved one, she mainly dresses in baggy clothing and hardly ever dresses up. Her style consists of jeans and men's hoodies paired with her favorite pair of black converse. I've known Wren for over 4 years now and I think I've only seen her wear a dress once.

As for myself, I'm what most people call "the bitchy one".

You know most people would think that's an insult but I always take it as a compliment.

I love when people find me threatening, it makes me feel powerful.

My mom is a famous designer, so I've always been up to date with the latest trends and styles. Jeans are my arch nemesis, even in the winter. Luckily, California barely ever gets cold meaning I can walk around in a skirt or dress in the winter.

"Wren...how about jeans that are less baggy?" I ask.

"I'm fine." She says as she sits on a chair and scrolls on her phone.

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