31 ✔️ the moment of truth

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When Emmy called us saying that something was wrong with Ro and Wren, my heart dropped

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When Emmy called us saying that something was wrong with Ro and Wren, my heart dropped.

We all immediately rushed over to Wren's house and as soon as I walked in, there's a whole screaming match.


I walk into the living room to find Indie, Ambrose, Emmy, and Adeline with their jaws dropped.

"So you guys are gonna be step-siblings?" Indie asks.

"FUCK NO!" They both yell.

"What the fuck did I just walk into?" I chuckle before taking a seat between Indie and Emmy.

Ro and Wren were about to explain but Ambrose cut them off.

"Ro walked in on his dad cheating on his mom with Mrs.Ashford." He says bluntly.

"He just saved you 15 minutes of yelling," Indie whispers and I laugh.

"This isn't funny! My mom came home last night and almost killed my dad!" Ro groans.

"If I were her, I would have gone through with it. That man would be 6 feet under somewhere." Emmy says.

"Keep that in mind, Ro." Adeline teases him and sends him a wink.

"Guys! You're not listening to us!" Wren groans as she plops down onto the couch next to her boyfriend.

"Look, obviously this is really bad and I'm sorry you both have to go through this but I think the best thing for you guys to do right now is let the adults handle it. You both have so much to deal with already, just let your parents deal with something for once." Emmy says.

Both Ro and Emmy let out a sigh before nodding.

"You're right but ugh! I SAW MY DAD NAKED!" Ro groans and I could stop the laugh that tumbled out of my mouth.

"Sorry." I quickly say.

"So Lev, I heard you're trying out for Lance O'Neil's team today?" Ambrose asks.

"Yep, and he's definitely gonna make the team," Indie says.

"I don't know...there's gonna be a lot of people there-"

"Shut up man! You're by far the most talented player I've ever seen plus you're definitely the best player on your team." Ro says.

"Dude, there's gonna be kids from schools all across California!"

"Stop stressing! The most important thing right now is that you stay focused and do your best." Wren adds.

It's kinda hard to stay stressed when this is by far the biggest opportunity ever given to me.

If I make this team, I have an automatic ticket into making it pro for soccer.


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