36 ✔️ detective emmy

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"I mean

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"I mean...you still kinda look like shit." My idiotic boyfriend mumbles as we take a seat in the chairs across from Ambrose's hospital bed.

"Wow, thanks Ro I guess I know who to come to if I ever need reassurance." Ambrose chuckles.

"Don't listen to him babe, I think you look great, broken nose and all," Wren says as she hands him a cup of water and takes her seat next to him.

Wren seems a lot happier than usual and I know it has a lot to do with that ring on her finger.

When she told us about the ring, I think it's safe to say that all (except for Ro) jaws dropped to the fucking floor.

We're obviously more than happy for them and Ambrose is such an amazing guy for Wren.

I knew those two were gonna get married.

I made a bet with Indie on our first girl's night with Ambrose.

She owes me 50 bucks.

"So did you decide what you were gonna do for college?" Indie asks him.

"I applied to UCLA as a business major and my acceptance letter came in a couple of weeks ago, I'm gonna be going there."

Oh shit, he's fucking prepared.

This man knew he was gonna be with Wren before they even started talking.


That's adorable!

"What do your parents think?" Levi asks.

"Oh, they're pissed but at the same time they know there is nothing they can do now since Ambrose can no longer play basketball," Adeline replies.

"I don't give a fuck about what they think, I never did." He shrugs.

"How about you guys? What are your plans?" My brother asks us.

"I'm still waiting on my fucking acceptance letters." Ro groans.

Ro applied to all 8 Ivy League schools...that's it!

No safety schools!

Don't get me wrong, Ro is by far the smartest person I've ever met but I've seen those fucking schools reject people with perfect GPAs before!

We all tried to convince him to at least apply for a few more schools but he refused.

I'm really hoping he gets into at least one of those schools otherwise he'll be crushed and my heart will break for him.

I hate when he's sad because it makes me sad.

When he found out about his dad's affair, he refused to leave Wren's house for over a week!

My brother and I literally had to drag him out.

But I think it's safe to say he's doing better now.

"I got into the art school!" Indie says.

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