6 ✔️ family dinners

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Why the fuck am I here?

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Why the fuck am I here?

The last thing I want to do on a Thursday night is fucking dress up and go to dinner.

Let alone dinner with my fucking family.

"Dude, you could at least smile a little." My best friend whispers.

"No thanks."

We're all currently sitting at a table in a fancy Italian restaurant that both my family and the Grey's love.

Everyone is here...except for Emmy who I'm assuming will be arriving "fashionably late".

I wonder if she'll wear that dress.

"Ro honey, sit straight." My mom says.

I groan before correcting my posture.

"Eli, where is your sister?" Mrs.Grey asks.

"I don't know, probably at home fixing her hair." He shrugs.

"Can you text her and tell her to hurry up?"

Eli nods before texting his sister.

"So Eli, how have you been? How's school?" My dad asks.

"Oh uh- it's been good, I've been really busy balancing school and hockey practice." He shrugs.

Yes, ladies, you heard that right, my best friend is a big buff hockey player and he's single.

"God, you are such a good boy Eli, following your father's footsteps." My dad says as he glares at me.

Here we go again.

My parents are research scientists who study different factors that affect our environment and climate change so they're constantly traveling.

When I was little they always put this idea in my head that I should be doing the same thing.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm all about saving the environment and shit but it's not what I want to do for a living.

I've always been good with electronics and I was uh- I was a part of the robotics team.

I still am actually.

So yes, the hot and sexy Rhodes Caldwell is a nerd.

I've always been interested in engineering, specifically electrical engineering.

Now you would think that my parents would be supportive of my decision but you should have seen the look on their faces, they were MORTIFIED.

I want a job that brings me enough money and doesn't require me to travel 24/7 so I can stay home with my family.

I know I'm a bit too young to be thinking about a family but I always promised myself that I would never treat my kids the way my parents treat me.

No child should be left alone to take care of themselves for months, it's fucking wrong.

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