50 ✔️ epilogue pt.4 (Indie & Levi)

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"WOOOO! GO, DADDY!" My boys scream

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"WOOOO! GO, DADDY!" My boys scream.

The entire stadium erupts in cheers and applause as Levi successfully makes his penalty goal.

Levi looks over at us before sending us a wink.

Yeah, so if it wasn't obvious enough, Levi went pro with soccer.

After graduation Levi and I spent the next five years of our lives in Spain.

Throughout that time Levi's soccer skills managed to get better than they already were.

He had dozens of coaches from professional teams offering him millions to play for their teams and to everyone's shock, he ended up getting his offer from Coach O'Neil himself.

To play for Spain's national team.

And that's not even the funniest part.

Landon played for Manchester during all this time but after proving to his father that he is trustworthy...Landon received the same offer as Levi.

Meaning they're teammates...and best friends.

Obviously not as close as he and Ro, but they're very close.

Yep, you read that right.

Throughout these 5 years of them playing together they've grown so close that we now have dinner with Landon and his family almost every weekend.

Levi proposed to me during his final year of soccer camp and we got married after he received the deal to play for Spain.

A couple of years later we had our first son Riley.

Riley is 6 and Levi's mini-me.

I kid you not, Riley's first word was ball!

Not Mama or Dada!

Fucking BALL!

Ever since he's been able to walk, Levi has been coaching him.

And Riley loves every single bit of it.

He has his dad's competitiveness and drive.

The team has a monthly "bring your kid to work day" and Riley always looks forward to it because he loves playing with his dad.

A year after Riley was born, we had our second son Noah.

Noah is 5 and unlike Riley, well...he doesn't really like soccer.

At least he doesn't like playing it.

He loves watching his dad and brother though.

Noah is more like me.

Ever since he was little he's loved anything to do with arts and crafts.

For a five-year-old, he draws a lot better than how I did when I was five.

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