26 ✔️ my caveman

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"It's my birthday week bitches!" Emmy sings as we all throw our suitcases into the back of our cars

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"It's my birthday week bitches!" Emmy sings as we all throw our suitcases into the back of our cars.

I love Emmy and I really want to be there with her when she celebrates her birthday but all I want to do right now is go home and eat a giant tub of ice cream.

But I can't do that because I already agreed to go up to the mountains with all my friends.

What I didn't agree to was Eli's bitchy girlfriend being here.

I met her earlier this morning and she's by far the fakest bitch I've ever met.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that all the girls do.

Emmy said she was sweet at first but as soon as Ro, Ambrose, Levi, and Landon walked into the house, she was a whole new person.

It's like she wanted all of them!

I don't know if it's just me and my delusions, but I swear she really doesn't like me.

Like she doesn't like any of us girls but she REALLY doesn't like me.

I tried to be nice to her, I really did but after all the glares she's sent my way, I've just kept my mouth shut and my stares to myself.

"Need some help?" Someone asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Fuck Eli! You scared me!" I groan and he laughs.

"My bad."

"I don't need help," I mumble while struggling to lift my heavy ass suitcase.

"Are you sure?" He asks.


I continue to struggle and he lets out a sigh before taking my bag and easily stuffing it into the trunk.

"It's okay to ask for help, Bambi." He chuckles.

I don't reply.

Not after he just called me fucking Bambi.

"Alright, guys! We have to go before the sun goes down." My brother announces.

Everyone nodded and we split into two cars.

Eli, Kami, Emmy, Ro, and me in one car.

Ambrose, Wren, Indie, Levi, and Landon in another.

At this point, I'd rather sit on top of the car than be stuck with her for 5 fucking hours.

I'm just glad Emmy and Ro are with me.

Eli and his girlfriend sit in the front while the three of us sit in the back.

"So Kami...have you ever skied or snowboarded?" Ro asks.

"Nope, but Eli said he would teach me. Isn't that right, baby?"

I feel my jaw clench when she reaches over and places her hand on his lap.

"So Adeline, Eli told me, you model?"

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