42 ✔️ dreams change

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I didn't get in

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I didn't get in...

I didn't fucking get into my dream school in Paris!


I immediately slam my laptop closed before grabbing the nearest object and chucking it at my wall.

I feel the back of my eyes beginning to burn and I dig my face in my hands.

Footsteps approach my door before it opens.

"Em? What's wrong?" My brother asks.


"Bullshit Em...and what the fuck happened to your wall?"

"Just get out of my room!" I snap as I finally look up at him.

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong." He says as he scoots into the spot next to me on my bed.

God, older brothers are such a pain in the ass...but, you gotta love them.

I let out a huff before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"They rejected me," I mutter.

"Who did?"

"The design school in Paris."

"What?! Are you serious? But our mom is-"

"It's not about our mom E! This was something I wanted to do on my own! I wanted to prove to her that I don't always need her to get me offers and pay for me to go to the best schools. I wanted to prove to her that I'm talented on my own, not because my mother is a world-famous designer."

"Em, do you know how proud Mom is of you? I'm sure she'll understand when you tell her."

"You don't get it E! Mom and I have been planning for me to go to school in Paris ever since I was a fucking child! Now all our plans are ruined!"

"You're overthinking Emmy, just take a deep breath."

"I- I can't...I can't breathe." I whisper.

My breathing grows heavy and I suddenly feel a wave of anxiety crash into me.

My brother soothingly rubs my back before handing me my water bottle that was on my nightstand.

We stay like that for a few minutes until my breathing slowly returns to normal.

"What's your backup plan?" He asks.

"I applied to schools in London, New York, and LA."

"Have you gotten any acceptances from them?"

"Yeah, I got accepted into the ones in New York and LA but it's not the same."

"Hey, at least you got into one. Some people didn't get into any."

"I guess..."

"Look, at the end of the day you're gonna go to an amazing school and we're all gonna be so proud of you."

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