2 ✔️ indie & ro?

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"Ow! Emmy you're pulling too hard!" I groan as I reach up and attempt to itch my scalp

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"Ow! Emmy you're pulling too hard!" I groan as I reach up and attempt to itch my scalp.

For some reason, I'm allowing Emmy to French braid my hair while Indie, Wren, and Ro are in the kitchen getting snacks for our movie night.

It's a tradition we've had since we were freshmen.

Today we're at Emmy's house. I came here after soccer practice and I could immediately tell something was off.

Indie could barely look at me.

Ro is constantly touching her or standing next to her.

Emmy has had the same devious smile on her face for the past 2 hours.

And Wren well...actually she's the only one who hasn't been acting weird.

"Hey, what's up with Indie and Ro?" I ask Em as she roughly tugs on another strand of my hair.

"What do you mean?"

"They seem closer than usual."

"They do?"

"Yeah, look!" I say as Indie and Ro return to the living room.

They're both laughing and he winks at her.

I don't think I've ever seen Ro wink at anyone other than Emmy.

"Stop Ro!" She giggles and her cheeks turn red.

"What did he say?" I ask.

They both look at me and their smiles start to vanish.

"Oh...nothing," Ro smirks.

Uh, what?

Before I could say anything, Wren walked into the living room with a large bucket of popcorn.

"What are we watching?" She asks.

"Let's watch a scary movie!" Emmy suggests and Indie immediately shakes her head no.

"You know I hate horror movies."

"Man up." Wren teases.

Indie groans before plopping down on the couch next to Wren and sticking her hand into the popcorn bowl.

"Ow! Emmy are you fucking done yet?" I ask.

"Give me a second!" She says as she slaps my hand away from my head.

"Let's watch one of the Conjuring movies," Ro suggests.

We all agree except for Indie, who looks like she wants to die.

Emmy finally finishes my hair and she heads over to the couch to take the seat next to Wren while I sit next to Ro.

Throughout the movie, the girls would shriek or jump while Ro and I would laugh at their reactions.

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