7 ✔️ jealousy...but not the good kind

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Someone kill me right now

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Someone kill me right now.

I can't believe I agreed to a double date!

"Will you calm down Indie! I can feel your stress." Ro says as we drive over to Levi's house.

We agreed to meet there so we could take one car.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I've never gone on a double date! Let alone one with two of my best friends and the girl I can't stand!" I yell.

"You'll be fine Inds, I'll be there with you." He assures.

"What if he kisses her?!"

"Then I'll kiss you." He shrugs.


"Inds, I'm gonna have to kiss you at some point."

"I mean you don't have to-"

"Look, it's not like I'm just gonna blindside you out of nowhere and the chances of Levi kissing Adeline are slim to none."

"How do you know?"

"Because it's their first date...duh."

I mean he does have a point but still!


"I can't believe you made me wear this fucking thing," I mutter as I attempt to pull down this fucking skirt.

If it were up to me, I would be wearing jeans and a sweater but apparently, my fake boyfriend had other plans when he barged into my room and practically tore my closet apart!

"You'll thank me later." He winks.

We pull up in front of Levi's house and I feel my stomach drop.

"How about we ditch tonight and go hang out with Wren and Emmy?" I ask secretly hoping he would agree.

"Get out of the car Inds."



"Fine!" I whine as I practically drag my ass out of the car.

As we walk over to the front door, I keep muttering curses to myself while pulling my skirt down and my shirt up.

"Jesus Christ Inds, what are you a fucking nun? It's okay to show off your legs and a bit of cleavage." He says as he walks over to me and swats my hands away from my shirt and skirt.

"This feels wrong," I mumble.


"Hey, guys!" We were cut off by a familiar cheery voice.

We both look to our side and see Adeline standing there in all her gorgeous glory.

She's wearing a light pink dress and her hair is loosely curled.


Oh my god! What is jealousy doing to me?!

I need to fucking stop.

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