4 ✔️ some call it stalking, i call it observing

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Wren Ashford is a weird girl

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Wren Ashford is a weird girl.

She's awkward and shy and resents anyone who's a part of the male species.

But she's also interesting to observe.

She's not like her friends, the complete opposite actually and she enjoys being alone and in her own world rather than being caught up in the bullshit teenage drama.

I don't mean to pay attention to her, but there's just something about her that draws me to her.

Last night when she told me her parents were out of town, I automatically could tell she was lying.

She wasn't looking me in the eye and her house was way too clean for three people to be living there.

Why would she lie though? That's what I want to know.

One of the guys on the team is currently talking about a mind-blowing threesome he had the night before but all I could pay attention to is her.

She walks into the school with her black headphones covered in all sorts of different stickers.

She has her backpack slung over one shoulder and she's carrying way too many books in her hands.

But she doesn't seem fazed by all the dirty looks people are giving her, she almost seems as if she were in a trance.

Her music.

I already know it's her music.

Everyone does.

I watch as her friends walk up to her and immediately begin bombarding her with all sorts of different stories.

She looks like she's paying attention but she isn't.

In fact, I bet she's wishing she were back home finishing that tragic song of hers.

God, when I read that thing I thought it was meant for a funeral but I guess it was some kind of love song.

So, I did her the favor of giving her some friendly...suggestions.

I knew it pissed her off and seeing her storm out of her house with a red face and a large pout was hilarious.

The girl may be quiet but man can she run her mouth.

"Ambrose! Hello?" Someone says as they wave their hands in my face.

"What?" I mutter.

"I was wondering if I could come over later."

I watch as her friends walk off and she heads up the stairs.

"Yeah sure whatever Jackie," I mumble before following her.

"It's Jessica!" The girl yells.

I make sure to keep my distance from Wren and watch as she carelessly walks up the stairs.

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