8 ✔️ mixed emotions

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One week

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One week.

It's been one week since I've last spoken to her.

God, I can't believe I fucking let that happen.

I shouldn't have let her leave.

I should have followed them.

And now look at us!


I've been avoiding my friends at all costs since the incident.

I know Indie never said anything about hanging out with friends but it's just too fucking painful seeing her laughing with them while I'm fucking miserable.

Does she not miss me at all?

Some of my teammates told me she's been getting closer to Ro and I fucking hate it.

She's replacing me!

After thinking about it for a while, I guess I do understand where she's coming from.

We do spend a lot of time together and it does get in the way of us trying to be in a relationship but that doesn't mean she has to fucking break up with ME!

We should have just talked about it!

Instead, she's been leaving me in the dark for the past week!


We're currently in chem class where things couldn't get any more awkward.

To my surprise, Ro has refrained from flirting and is keeping his mouth shut while Indie takes notes silently.

I think Adeline can sense the tension because she is looking between the three of us.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah." I shrug.

"You're not a very good liar, Hendrix." She chuckles.

"Sorry, there's just been a bit of...drama."

"Was it because of our date?"

"No, other things."

I don't mean to be so passive but the last thing I want to do is talk about Indie when she's sitting right next to me.

"Right well uh- I was wondering if you wanted to go out again? Maybe just the two of us?" She asks, completely catching me off guard.

In all honesty, I thought she wouldn't want to go on another date.

I was about to tell her that I would let her know but I noticed Indie looking at us from the corner of my eye and I remember what she told me.

How are we supposed to have a healthy friendship if we keep holding back in order to keep each other happy?

"I would really like that."

She smiles brightly and I couldn't help but feel relieved.

This is good Lev.

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