39 ✔️ love fucking sucks

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(Y'all get your tissues ready because this chapter had me crying so damn hard, I wish I was kidding)

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(Y'all get your tissues ready because this chapter had me crying so damn hard, I wish I was kidding)

They say that love is an extraordinary feeling.

That love makes you feel light on your feet and gives you a constant feeling of happiness.

Well, you know what I think?

I think love fucking sucks!

I finally manage to tell the girl I love how I feel, just to be going to Spain tomorrow!

I don't want to leave her.

At first, I was upset that she went behind my back and talked to Mr.O'Neil but after a long while of thinking, I realized why she did it.

Indie is the kindest person I've ever met, in no way would she intentionally break my heart.

She just wants me to follow my dreams and be happy.

But, why can't I follow my dreams and get the girl??

Is that too much to ask for?!

Clearly, it is since I'm stuck here with an empty suitcase in front of me and Indie helping me fold my clothes.

"These clothes aren't gonna fold themselves." She chuckles.

"Right...sorry," I mumble.

My mom has an important work dinner tonight so she was only able to help me with about half my packing while Indie offered to help me with the rest.

The majority of this week has been spent with my friends during the day and my mom at night.

I would sneak out of the house most nights and head over to Indie's house.

I always found her wide awake and as soon as I walked into her room, she pulled the sheets aside so I could lay next to her.

We would spend all night just talking and kissing.

The kissing made things so much worse.

We've tried to stop ourselves but it's fucking useless.

Every time I'm around her, I just want her in my arms forever.

We silently fold my clothes and it's fucking killing me.

She's been silent all day.

She finishes the last shirt in her pile before beginning to put them away in my suitcase.



"Talk to me."

"I am talking to you." She mumbles.

"I mean talk to me as if I'm not leaving tomorrow."

"It's a little hard to do that when you actually are leaving."

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