Chapter 1

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So the beginning of this book honestly is pretty bad to me. I re-read it and my writing skills have improved a lot. I'm making a sequel and it's gonna be a lot better the ending of this book is really good but it sucks at the beginning, so if you wanna skip some chapters that's cool. Also please keep in mind this was my first book ever on wattpad and I was around 11 when I first started and I'm now 13 going on 14 and have matured a lot more, and I'm not as much of a fangirl anymore but I have other Taylor Caniff fanfics that are way better so go check those out.

Kendall's P.O.V.

Kendall come downstairs breakfast is
ready!!" I heard Hayes scream

I grabbed my book bag and darted down the stairs. It's my last day of school and soon to be first day of summer I literally can't wait!

"If you would have fell down the stairs I would have laughed" Nash said chuckling I lightings punched his shoulder.

"So are you excited for summer" Nash asked me and Hayes

"Yes also cause my birthday is during summer" Hayes said

"Mine too" I said glaring at Hayes

"I'm older" he said smirking

"By 5 minutes!"

"Aproximently 5 minutes and 15 seconds"

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes at him

"The bus is here!!" I heard my mom say

I hurried and shoved a price toast in my mouth and say goodbye to my mom and walked out the door with Hayes, we walked to the bus stop where I saw Alana and Gabby (my best friends)

"Hii" Hayes said

"Hey" gabby said to Hayes, I think they love each other but they won't admit it.

Hayes and gabby talked so I walked over by Alana.

"Hey boo" she said

"Hi want some toast? " I asked and ripped it in half

"This is why we are friends" she said taking it.

We waited for the bus to come and when it finally came we got on I sat by Alana and, gabby and Hayes sat together, they would be the cutest couple ever I swear.

•skipping school cause it's boring•

When I was walking up my drive way I noticed a lot of cars then I heard laughing and screaming coming from in the house I have Hayes and confused look, he just shrugged his shoulders.

I walked inside and there were a bunch of boys they all just stared at me and Hayes.

"Umm sorry but who are you guys?" I asked

"What?!? You don't remember me" one boy said.

"Umm sorry no" I said back

"OMG CAMERON" Hayes screamed.

"What? That's not Cam Hayes your dumb." I said confused

"No it's me" Cameron said

"CAM!!!" I said running and giving him a hug. " I haven't seen you for like 5 years wow puberty hit you hard" I said laughing

"I know right" he said smiling

"So who are you other guys?" I asked

Cameron introduced me to them
• Jack G.
•Jack J.
• Shawn
(Sorry if I didn't get them all I'm not using all of the magcon boys but I'm using most)

"Okay well I'm calling Alana and Gabby cause they are staying over"

"GABBY IS STAYING THE NIGHT?!?!" Hayes practically screamed

"Umm yeah..."


Everyone just died laughing😂

"Who's Alana?" Cameron said

"One of my best friends" I said

"What does she look like" he asked

I showed him a picture and his jaw dropped


"Yes Cameron..."

"Boys do I look flawless?!?"

"Yes Cam but not as flawless as me" Taylor said flipping his invisible hair

"That's true" I said

Shitttt... did I just say that out loud fuck fuck fuck I'm so dumb

"What?" All the boys said

"I didn't say anything" I said blushing


"oh Gabby and Alana are here"

I opened the door and Alana bursted it


I started laughing and the boys chuckled she swung around and finally saw they boys she stood there frozen not knowing what to do.

"Wanna go to my room?" I asked

Alana shook her head yes and we up to my room

"Cam start a pizza" I whispered

He chuckled and got up pre heated the oven.

When I got into my room I shut my door


I just started laughing and so did gabby.

"So what do you guys want to do?"I asked

"We should go swim in the pool" Gabby said

"YASSS" Said Alana

"Okay did you guys bring your swimsuits or do you need to borrow one?" I asked

"I brought mine" said Alana

"Same" said Gabby

"K" I said

I grabbed out my bikini mine was a mint green strapless top and it had white lacy bottoms.

Alana's was a coral top and back bottoms. And Gabby's was a pastel purple top and white bottoms.

We grabbed our towels and walked down stairs all the boys stared at us I rolled my eyes and Alana hid her face behind her towel and Gabby waved.

I'm pretty sure Alana is terrified to talk to any of them especially after what happend😂

We walked out to my backyard and set our towels down then say down to tan a little bit then I heard laughing and I was about to open my eyes when I felt two arms under me it was Taylor.

"TAYLOR! PUT ME DOWN NOW" I said slapping his chest

"Okay if you say so then he jumped into the pool with me in his arms when we hit the water he let go of me and when I came up I punched his shoulder and told him if he ever did that again I would cut off his balls.

I also noticed that Hayes threw Gabby in and Cam threw Alana in I'm pretty sure we waned to kill these boys.

After awhile of swimming and having fun we cooked out and hat cheeseburger and hot dogs.

Then we all went inside and I guess all the boys are staying with us in our guest rooms from what Nash told me.

I was pretty tired from today so Me and Alana and gabby went into my room I took a shower then Alana did then Gabby did then we put in a movie plugged in our phones, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Hey so sorry that was kinda a bad chapter!

I'm gonna try to update again today!

I hope you like my book 💕



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