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So my mom just got off of the phone with the doctor and they said what was wrong with my stomach (I don't know what they said) Could get worse if I don't go to the emergency room and if it does get worse it could spread to my kidney and I half to go there tonight and I'm really scared... I'm crying so much right now, and praying I'm not gonna die I seriously don't know if I can or not but I'm really scared and they said if I don't come to the doctors right away and put it off it could get really bad and started hurting after school Wednesday and it's Saturday so I should've went to the doctors Wednesday, I'm so scared. I have been telling my mom I need to go to the doctors and she was too worried until she called the doctors and now she is crying because she is scared too. 

So I don't know. If I make it out alive I will put news up. (I don't know if I'm being dramatic, Sorry if I am)

•See ya later :)

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