Chapter 13

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Ayeeee so I have been updating a lot because I have no life. But I go back to school on the 24th so if you see less updating I'm really sorry just caught up in school probably.

Kendall's P.O.V.
Today was the day of our flight to L.A. I was beyond excited. I actually had a pretty decent week, I had some fights with my mom and dad but the guys made it better.

I got up and put on my sweats and a sweater and threw my hair into a bun and slid on my Nike sliders and Nike socks.

I went downstairs and saw the guys helping Nash and Hayes take things to the moving truck, the moving truck was heading to L.A. and we were taking a plane there.

"Whale?!" I heard gabby shout, I turned around and ran and hugged my best friend that I haven't seen for a week I really missed her and she lives in the same town as me.

"Ready to go to L.A.?" I asked

She nodded with excitement and went off to see Hayes.

I decided to FaceTime Taylor.

After 3 rings he picked up.

(The bold will be the FaceTime call)

T- Hayyy Princess

K- hey there Caniff

T- I'm so excited to see I miss you so much

K- I miss you too

T- has your dad been at dick at all since the fight 2 nights ago?

K- No I haven't seen him since then

T- Oh, so other than that have you had a fun week?

K- Yes, but it would have been better if you were there

T- Aweeee baby Grier is being lovey dovey

K- your such a dork

T-your dork though

K- your right there, I have to go catch my flight but I will see you later.

T-I love youuu kitten.

K-I love you too bandana boy.

I pressed the end button and locked My phone and went to my room to make sure I didn't forget anything. Nope I didn't. I took one last look around my house smiling at all my childhood memories I could remember.

Like ones of Hayes and I camping in the living room in my Barbie tent, or ones of Will and Nash would pretend to be some type of evil villain and they would capture me and Hayes would be the 'superhero' and save the day. I smiled one last time before shutting the door and walking to Cameron's car and shutting the door.

"Ready?" Nash asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smiled

"Let's go!" Johnson cheered

I looked out the window as my house slowly left my sight and I sighed.

I'm actually going to miss that house.

Right now I was in a car with Johnson, Cam and Nash. And the other car had Gilinsky, Gabby and Hayes.

Johnson was beat boxing and Cameron was trying to rap. Key word trying. I laughed at how weird they were I thought to myself.

I'm going to be leaving with them in L.A. for a long time.

Short Chapter!

I know is said this one was prob going to be long but I went through with my theme type thing and made it short😬

Sorry for any mistakes!



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