Chapter 27

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke up wrapped in Taylor's arms and smiled I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter and retweeted and followed some fans.

Then I took out my camera and took a picture of Taylor and I. I decided to post it on Twitter

Post// kendallgrier: sleeping beauty❤️

I instantly got a bunch of tweets and replys I read some and locked my phone to wake up Taylor.

I looked at him to wake him up and he was already awake.

"Oh hi" I said to him

"Morning Princess" he said kissing my forehead

"Can we make our room today?" I asked him

"Yes we can, But I have to get all my stuff though" he said to me

"Okay should we repaint the room?" I asked

"No it's fine babe I love the color" he smiled to me

"While your packing your stuff up I'm gonna get dressed and stuff" I said to him.

"Okay that's fine" he said getting up.

"I'm gonna go shower love you" I said walking into my bathroom.

"Love you too" he said walking out my door.

I hopped in the shower and started sing ing and did all that kinda stuff.

I got out, wrapped up in a towel, and walked to my closet.

I grabbed a light blue pair of skinny jeans, and a tie dye tshirt and I put my hair in a loose ponytail and slipped on my new red vans. I got kinda cold so I grabbed my jack and jack black sweatshirt.

I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and applied a little bit of mascara.

It has been really cold for summer lately.

I walked out my door and walked down to Taylor's room.

"Aye bandana boy" I said smiling to him

"Hiii" he said smiling handing me a tote with a bunch of bandanas and beanies and snapbacks.

"This is actually pretty heavy for bandanas, beanies, and snapbacks" I said chuckling.

"Yeah I have a lot I know" he said laughing.

"Let's go take your stuff upstairs" I said to him

He nodded and we walked up stairs.

About 2 hours later we had our room organized.

"Taylor we should repaint this room it would look way way way better in here" I said looking around the room.

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes I'm sure lets go to the store and get more stuff" I said smiling

"Okay lets go" he said smiling back.

We walked downstairs and heard the guys yelling from the game room and walked in and Gabby,Hayes, Shawn and Matt were playing Call of duty and it was really funny.


"NO YOU ARE!" Matt yelled

I laughed.

"Nash!!" I yelled over the whooping

He snapped his head towards me.

"What?" He asked me

"Me and Taylor are going to the store we will be back later!!!" I yelled over everyone

"Okay see ya later!!" He yelled back then focusing towards everyone else.

We laughed and walked out to Taylor's car.

"So when are we gonna go on that date?" I asked him as we were pulling out of the driveway.

"Ummm how about tomorrow at 7?" He asked me.

"Yeah we should just go to a movie or something simple" I said to him

"Yeah that would be nice" he said smiling but focusing on the road.

I heard little toy guns playing in the background on the radio.

I turned it up really loud.

"Eweeee country music" Taylor whined changing the station.

"Hayyy that was a good song!!!" I whined back.

"No this is a good song" he said turning up the radio and good for you was on.

He started to sing pretending he knew the lyrics.

I laughed and sung with him accept I actually knew the lyrics.

I could get used to this.

Short Chapter!!!!

I'm so exhausted from school I had my first full week and now it's the weekend I'm so happy.

Hahaahhaha. I hate school.




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