Chapter 3

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Kendall's P.O.V

We got to six flags, and Me and Alana sprinted for the batman ride and got in line, Cam and Taylor walked over by us and got in line with us.

"Are you scared?" Taylor asked me

"Nope" I lied, inside I was freaking out😂

"Mmhmm" Taylor said chuckling

The line wasn't that long since we got there early.

Once we got on I was shaking in excitedly scared.

"Are you okay?" Taylor said laughing

"Yeah I'm just nervous" I said giggling

The ride started and I was screaming the whole way but it was so fun. I wanted to again.

Afterwards we got off the ride and we went to get some snacks I insisted on getting my own things but Taylor wouldn't let me.

"I can pay for myself" I said laughing

"No I must pay for you" Taylor said

I grabbed my phone and held it out.

"Say cheese" I said

Taylor kissed me on the cheek when I snapped the picture. I smiled so did he.

"Send that to me" Taylor said smiling

"K" I said returning the smile

"Heyyyyy lovebirds" Matt said coming over by us.

"Hey Matt" I said

"Do you guys wanna go play down games?" Matt asked

"Sure, want to?" I asked Taylor

"Sure lets go" He said smiling

After some games, and Taylor winning me a HUGE teddy bear (it was bigger than me) {I will put a pic of it up there^^} and after some more rides everybody met up at the beach.

"Do you guys want to relax here for awhile and have a bonfire?" Cam asked

Everyone agreed.

"Somebody should go to the store to buy some things to get smores" Hayes said

"Yeahhh" said Carter

"I'll go" said Alana

"I'm coming" I said

"Me too" said Gabby

"Okay so the girls are going us boys will stay here" Jack G said.

"We will be right back" Gabby said

We got in Alana's car and drove to the store we got out and went inside.

"OMG GUYS" I said pointing out what I said

"What? Kendall." Alana said

"OMG SILLY STRING" Gabby said freaking out also

"We should buy a bunch of silly string and when we go back home have a silly string war with the boys" I said laughing

"Grab a bunch" Alana said smirking

Me and Gabby grabbed a cart and got a bunch almost clearing the shelf.

"Okay now let's go get the smores" Alana said.

Once we found where the stuff was we got 3 packs of marshmallows, 4 boxes of graham crackers, and 5 packs of Hershey's chocolates.

"Okay we got enough lets go" I said laughing.

After we were done checking out we started to head back to the beach.

The boys already had the fire going but they were playing in the water.

"GUYS WE GOT SMORES!!!" Alana yelled out to them.

"FOOD" Shawn yelled running out of the water.


Shawn flipped him off and ran up to us.

"Hurry give me food" Shawn said getting excited

"Get your own food" I said Rolling my eyes.

"Ughhh fine" Shawn said

I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"SHAWN DONT TOUCH IT" Aaron said tackling Shawn to the ground.

Everybody laughed and came out of the water. we roasted marshmallows for a while then we all just sat and talked around the fire. It was the best way to start my summer.

"I'm tired" I said

"Same" Gabby said.

"Can we go home?" Alana asked

"Yeah let's go" Nash said

"Hayes wake up" Jack J said

"Don't worry Jack I got this" I said

"HAYESSS" I yelled into his ear

He jumped up and screamed.

I started dying into fits of laughter.

"We are going home you need to wake up" I said still laughing

"Ughh" he said

Once everyone was back in the cars we drove home and everyone ran up the stairs 12 boys and 3 girls and stairs don't go good together. Hayes made it up along with Gabby and Matt. Me and Alana tumbled down the stairs and the rest of the boys were standing there laughing at me and Alana.

I got up and ran up the stairs and punched Nash cause I'm pretty sure he was the one who pushed me and walked to my room.

Me, Gabby and Alana went to my room and changed into comfy clothes and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Okay so the picture up there^ of the bear is me holding my friends bear but it's huge so I thought I could use it for the pic.

Anyway hope you guys liked this chapter so it kinda sucked next one will be better💘 I hope anyway😂



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