Chapter 31.

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Kendall's P.O.V.
I woke up and saw Taylor awake in his phone.

"Morning cutie" he said smiling as I stretched, then yawned.

"Morning" I said.

I sat up and stared at the wall for a moment.

"Taylor what time is it?" I asked.

"10:30" he said sitting up also.

"I'm hungry" I groaned.

"I think the Jacks were making breakfast lets go see" he said

"Carry meeee" I pleaded.

"Fine" he said picking me up bridal style.

We went down the stairs and saw the guys trying to make breakfast, but failing.

"I'm just gonna stick with a banana" I said laughing grabbing one.

"Me too" Gabby said.

"Gabbyyyyy" I groaned

"Whattttt" she said mocking me

"I miss youuuuu" I said laughing

"I miss youuu tooooo" she said chuckling.

"I will be right back" I soda kissing Taylor's cheek.

"Love you" he said

"Love you too" I said smiling.

I grabbed a smart water and walked to the front porch and sat in a chair and started thinking.

"Hey Kendall" Hayes said walking out sitting in the chair next to me.

"Hi hayzie poo" I said smiling.

"I miss us hanging out I feel like we aren't that close anymore, now that we are living with everyone else." He said frowning a bit.

"Yeah same and I miss Nash too" I said frowning.

"It's funny we all live together but we are drifting away." Hayes said.

"Yeah I know.." I said before Nash came walking outside.

"Hey my favorite little siblings" Nash said sitting on the ground.

"Hi Nash" Hayes and I said.

"So, Apparently Mom and Dad are getting a divorce and Mom wants us to come visit her" Nash said

"No." I simply stated.

"I'm not visiting her." Hayes said.

"Come one guys maybe she changed" Nash said.

"When?" I asked

"Next week" Nash said

"Uhh we will be in Punta Cana" Hayes said.

"we are gonna have to wait another week on that, oh shoot never mind I'm shooting my movie with Cam staring in 2 weeks, uhh we will have to wait awhile for that." Nash said

I groaned.

"Why?" Hayes asked

"Why what?" Nash asked

"Why does she want us to come visit?" He asked again.

"She misses us, and she umm wants us to meet her new boyfriend." Nash said swallowing hard.

"Boyfriend?" I said

Nash nodded and Hayes ran inside.

"I'm going on a walk" I said

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