Chapter 4.

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke the next morning and my back was hurting, prob from when I fell down the stairs.

I sat up and saw our bag of silly string.

I forgot we bought that!

"GABBAYYY" I said in a whisper yell.

She didn't move.

"GABBBBBBYYYYY" I whisper yelled again

No movement.

"Okay you left me no choice" I whispered.

I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at her.

"WAT?!??" She said in her whisper yell.

"We forgot about the silly string wake up Alana!!" I said smirking.

"She is in cams room" gabby said

"WAT?? WTF DID I MISS?!?" I said almost peeing my pants.

"Yeah after you passed out everyone went downstairs accept Hayes he was sleeping also, but anyway we all went downstairs to watch a movie and Cam asked her out she of course said yes and she ended up sleeping in his room"

(Okay so pretend Alana is 18 and Cam is 19) ( but Alana is friends with Kendall and Gabby who are 15) (pretend? K.)😂

"Aweeee that's so cute" I said.

"Okay so what did you want with the silly string thing" Gabby said

"Oh yeah okay so we should get the silly string and go spray all of them" I said smiling

"Yes that sounds like a perfect morning" she said grinning

Once we figured out our plan we got ready.

"Okay I will go downstairs and see if anyone is awake" I said to gabby.

"Okay I will see if anyone is awake up here" she said with a smile on her face.

We stood by my bedroom door and got ready.

"1,2,3! Go!" Gabby said pulling the door open.

I tiptoed left down the hallway and gabby tiptoed right.

I went around the corner and went down our spiral staircase, I went into the living room..


Next I went to the kitchen..


Then I walked down the hallway and into the mud room there was no one.

So just in case I went outside in the backyard and scanned the pool and the deck.


I went back inside and upstairs where I was supposed to meet Gabby. I opened my bedroom door and saw gabby sitting on her phone.

"Anyone?" She asked me

"Nope, You?" I asked

"Nope" she sad with a smirk on her face.

"Let's go!" I said grabbing a bunch of silly string.

"I wish we had tool belts to put these in" gabby said laughing trying to hold all her cans in her hand.

"Oh you know what my dad has some tool belts in the attic!" I said smiling

"Really?" Gabby said laughing

"Yeah I will go get them!" I soda sneaking out the door.

I went up to the attic and grabbed the tool belts.

"Okay I got them" I said handing one to gabby and putting mine on.

We had about 8-10 cans each.

"Okay now for real this time lets go!"

First we walked into Cameron's room where him and Alana were.


"CAMERONNNNN, ALANA!!!!!!!" I yelled

They both sat up and I started spraying them with silly string so did Gabby she was laughing so hard I was too.

"What the fuck?" Cam said in his morning voice.

"You guys are bitches" Alana said laying back down under the blankets so we couldn't spray her anymore.

We laughed and walked out.

"Okay next lets go to Nash's room" I said

"Okay who is all in there?" Gabby asked.

"Umm I think it's Nash, Matt, Taylor, and the Jacks" I replied.

"Okay let's go" gabby said.

We walked down the hall and I peeked my head into Nash's room I was right!

Nash was in his bed, Taylor was sleeping in a bean bag chair, Matt in the computer chair which I thought was hilarious, and the jacks were sleeping on Nash's floor.

We tiptoed in.

"Ready?" I whispered to gabby

"Yes" she said grinning

We started spraying them and screaming and spinning in circles so we could get all of them.

"Kendall Jo Grier get the hell out of my room before I go all ape shit on you" Nash said groaning.

"Nope" I said laughing spraying Nash more.

Then I walked towards Taylor and sprayed his hair.

"My luscious hair!!" He said in a fake crying voice.

"Time to get up boys" Gabby said smirking.

"Kendaalllll gettttt ouuuut" Nash said

"Ok fine." I said spraying him one last time

"I want food" Gabby said with a weird face "I wish I could marry food my life would be complete" she added

"Your so weird" I said laughing

We went into my room and threw the empty cans away and walked downstairs where everyone was.


Everyone gathered around in the living room and listened to Cameron.

"Okay so I was talking to Bart and he said magcon is in 1 week but he wants us to come a little earlier so we are leaving in 3 days." He said serious

(Okay I know magcon isn't together anymore but I want to bring back some memories)

"Ugh does that mean I have to stay home with mom and dad again? while you and Hayes go?" I said asking Nash.

"Well there is some good news" Cam said with a smirk on his face.

"what?" I said

"You get to come to magcon and you can bring alana and gabby" he said smiling.

"YAY!!!!" Me and gabby said at the same time but Alana looked sad.

"What's the matter?" I said

"I can't go I leaving tomorrow to go on vacation with my family" she said smiling yet frowing.

"Well maybe you can come to the next one" Shawn said trying to lighten the mood.

Shawn is so sweet.

Well it's gonna be a long 3 days for me.

Better start packing.


So here is this chapter kinda sucks but hope you like it anyway!

I'm gonna update tomorrow I think so yeah...

I love you guyss!

Night ✌🏽️


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