Chapter 20

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Kendall's P.O.V.
We arrived at the mall and went inside.

"Taylor come onnn" I said pulling him to pac-sun.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I said as we walked into the store.

I walked over to the shorts immediately and saw a really cute muscle tank top that was grey and had like hipster sunglasses and had little flowers in them. I grabbed it and it reminded me that I wanted a pair of those sunglasses.

I ran up to the counter and grabbed a pair and kept looking around.

"Kendall this would be cute on you" Taylor said holding up pink cami obviously he was trying to help.

"Taylor your very sweet you know that?" I said laughing taking the cami from him and putting it back.

"Yeah I know" he said with a very cheesy smile.

After getting some new shorts and a couple more shirts I payed for my stuff and we walked out.

"Kendall lets go to that store!!" He said pointing to the exact same store that I got the sweatshirts for the boys.

"Kay" I said as he intertwined our fingers.

"Hi sir how can I help you today?" The man asked Taylor.

"Umm can I get a shirt that says She's mine and she wants a shirt that says he's mine." Taylor said

After the guy took our order he said it would take 10 mins.

"Wanna grab some Starbucks while we're waiting?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah let's go" I said

We walked to Starbucks hand in hand.

I ordered a Cotton Candy Grande and Taylor got a Smores frappe.

We walked back to the store and our order was ready.

We thanked the man and walked away to find the guys.

"Hey I'm gonna text Hayes and ask where they are" I said to him.

"Okay let's go sit down while we are waiting." Taylor said

I nodded and we walked to a bench and sat down.

To Hayzie pooh bear🐻: Hey where are you guys?

From Hayzie pooh bear🐻: Me and Gabby are at forever 21. She forced me. And the Jacks are at the shoe store looking for shoes and The rest of the guys are at a the food court.

To Hayzie pooh bear🐻: Kay.

From Hayzie Pooh bear🐻: I typed all that and I get a simple Kay?

To Hayzie pooh bear🐻: would you rather me say k.

From Hayzie pooh bear: *eyeroll* whatever.

I laughed at locked my phone.

"The Jacks are at the shoe store, Hayes Gabby forever 21, and The rest are at the food court." I said to him

"Let's go to the shoe store I need some new kicks" Taylor said

I laughed and we walked to the shoe store.

"JJ!!" I said walking up to him.

"KG!" He said to me.

We talked while looking for some vans.

"Jack look at these!!" I said pointing to a coral pair.

"Those are pretty snazzy" he said smiling.

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