Chapter 37.

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I want to end this story soon kinda, but I also wanna make a sequel Soo idk, Enjoy the chapter.

1 month later.(sorry for another time hop)

Kendall's P.O.V.
I live in my own apartment in the city and its great. Taylor and I have been slowly making up, He broke up with Dani a week ago. (You know the apartment Cam and Nash lived in, that's her apartment).

I walked down the steps from my room and went into my kitchen and started making a toaster strudel.

Then I got a FaceTime call from Gabby.


K-heyy what's up

G-Wanna go baby shopping today?

K-Yeah sounds great! What time?

G- about an hour and a half?

K-Yeah see you then!

Oh yeah I forgot, Gabby is pregnant!
I'm gonna be an aunt, she is 3 months along. We do online schooling now thank you Jesus. I'm so happy for her and Hayes.

I ate my breakfast and went upstairs to shower, when I was done I walked to my closet and grabbed black leggings and a galaxy hoodie with my galaxy vans. Then I just put my hair in a messy bun and put on mascara.

Since I had some time left I went downstairs and grabbed an Arizona and sat on my couch and turned on my Xbox one which I use for Netflix and Hulu and sometimes play games with the guys when they come over.

I decided to watch the originals which is a show I just started, it's related to the vampire diaries.

I got a text from Gabby.

G- Meet at my place?

K- Yup be there in 10 😊

I shut everything off and grabbed my phone and my car keys and when down the elevator and walked to my car.

I got in and put on Jack and Jacks song Tides because I still love it.

I drove to their apartment where Gabby was waiting outside, she got in and breathed out.

"I can't wait to pop this thing out she said rubbing her tummy, I laughed.

"Wanna stop at mc Donald's?" I asked her, she nodded and put her ray bans on.

We drove to Mc Donald's and I pulled into the drive through and waited.

"So how are you and Taylor?" Gabby asked me

"Umm I don't know, I mean we're friends and stuff, and he broke up with Dani but I don't know if we are ready to start a relationship again" I sighed

"I'm sure you guys will make up soon, I think you guys still love each other too much to deny any feelings, he only dated Dani to make you jealous" she said as we pulled up to order.

I ordered my fry and my Large Strawberry Banana smoothie and then I let gabby order.

"I will pay" I say as I grabbed out my money.

"Well that's good because I was assuming you were anyway" she said laughing. I chuckled at her.

We are our food and talked and then arrived at the small baby store.

I grabbed my phone and my keys and got out and waited for Gabby.

"When do you find out the gender?" I asked

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