Chapter 19

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke up and Taylor wasn't next to me, but a note was.

Went to shower and go get some breakfast text me when you wake up.
Love, Taylor.

I texted him and just saying I woke up.

After that I set my phone down and went downstairs to get a pop tart.

I opened the pantry and grabbed the smores pop tart box, empty.

"Hey Kendall" Cameron said running his hand through his hair

"Hi Cam, who ate the last pop tart?" I soda holding up the empty box.

"Uhhh probably Matt, or Shawn, or umm Nash" he said lying, I knew it was him I just wanted to see if he would own up to it.

I laughed at him and decided to grab a strawberry pop tart instead.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my Mac book and sat on my bed. I opened up Netflix and started watch Orange is the New black.

*knock knock*

"Come innnn" I said loud enough for the person to hear me.

"Hii Kendall" Taylor said to me

"Hii Taylorrr" I said to him

I patted a seat next to me and he came and sat down.

"Whatcha watchin?" He asked me.

"Orange is the new black" I said

He gasped "without me?!"

"Well now your watching it, Aren't you?" I said chuckling

"Yeah I guess" he said putting his arm around me.

"We should just cuddle and watch Netflix all day" he said to me

"Sounds perfect" I said smiling.

3 hours later😂

"We should go do something now I'm getting bored" I said to him laughing a bit.

"Ya we should, what do you wanna do?" He asked me.

"Let's go to the Mall with guys or something" I suggested.

"Okay I will go ask them" he said to me

"Okay I'm gonna go take a quick shower" I said

"Be careful" he said walking out my door.

I walked into my bathroom and took a shower, when I got out it was only 3:03. Wow time is going by slow today.

I went into my closet and grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans since today was rainy and cold. Then I grabbed my white Taylor Caniff sweater and my purple vans and just put my hair into a loose ponytail.

I walked downstairs and Gabby was in the kitchen eating some chips and I stole one from her and she whined.

"Are we going to the mall still?" I asked her.

"Yeah the guys are upstairs getting ready." She said to me.

I nodded my head.

Gabby was a pair of acid washed skinny jeans and a black sweater that said Hayes Grier is my boyfriend literally. And her white vans.

The guys walked down the stairs yelling about something as usual.

"Okay obviously my outfit is better than all of yours so you guys can just shut up." Nash said flipping his invisible hair.

"Really Nash why would you lie? That's not true my outfit is better!" Johnson said to Nash.

"Oh hunny I don't lie I ain't about that life." He said acting like a girl

Me and gabby started laughing.

"Are you guys done arguing and ready to go?" I asked them

They nodded and we walked out the door and separated into different Cars. Everyone pretty much took their own cars. I rode with Taylor in his car.

Gabby and Hayes rode with Aaron and Shawn.

The Jacks in their car.

And Matt and Nash in Cameron's car.

"Turn this up!!" Taylor yelled hearing 'you belong with me by Taylor swift'

I turned it up for him and we started to scream the lyrics and headed off towards the mall.

Short Chapter!

I can't believe I'm on my 19th chapter! I get bored a lot so I update and I actually like updating but some times my fingers start to hurt like right now😂

Next Chapter will be long and better also!

Sorry for any mistakes!



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