Chapter 32.

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Two months later: sorry for skipping a lot of time😂
Kendall's P.O.V.
I heard my alarm go off and I groaned and shut it off.

I woke up remembering I had school today and I groaned again.

"Come on babe, you have to get ready for school" Taylor said shaking me. 

I stretched and rolled off the bed making Taylor chuckle.

I walked over to our closet and grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and red sweater that says 'I speak fluent sarcasm' then I put on my red vans.

I walked into my bathroom and straightened my hair and put of a black beanie then I put on some mascara and did a small wing with my eyeliner.

I walked downstairs where Taylor was with everyone else that was going to school which was, Me, Taylor, Hayes, Gabby, Shawn, Aaron, Sammy and Matt.

Nash, Jack G, Jack J, and Cameron graduated already.

I grabbed an apple and scanned everyone's outfits to see if I approve or not.

Gabby: Dark blue skinny jeans, and a white v neck with a black and white flannel with white high top converse.

I only check some of the boys, aka the ones who think basketball shorts and polos go good together.

Taylor: Skinny jeans and a grey sweater and grey high top vans. Good job babe, good job.

Matt: Skinny jeans white tshirt and maroon vans with a SnapBack.

Now onto Hayes who always seems to fail me.

Hayes: Dark blue skinny jeans and a red sweater with black vans.


"Not bad on outfit guys" I complimented.

"Thanks" They all said in usion.

Okay so here is what has been going during these last couple months. Nash, Hayes and I went to my moms and met her boyfriend and MY MOM CHANGED COMPLETELY LIKE SHE ACTUALLY SAID I LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING, LIKE SHE IS AMAZING. Her boyfriend i just had to give a chance and I had come to find he is actually really nice and cool.

Taylor and I are still going strong. Cameron and Nash have girlfriends, they met them on the set of their new movie. Which the premier is next weekend and we are going and I'm super stoked. Life has been just great. Accept for school, which I didn't end up doing flipping online school (Nash forced me) I guess we aren't going to be as busy as I thought, which is gay.

"HELLO EARTH TO KENDALL!!!" Matt screamed waving his hand if front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I said

"We have been saying your name for Ike ten minutes, it's time to go" he said laughing.

I groaned.

We all got into our cars same as usual, Taylor and I, Hayes and Gabby, Aaron and Shawn, Sammy and Matt.

•At school•
I walked into school with Taylor and we got to my locker and my locker neighbor was Hayes which is annoying because he always asks me for gum because I'm not even exaggerating I bought 20 packs for school so I wouldn't run out.

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