Chapter 23

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up and I was a little confused at first then remembered where I was.

I looked around and saw Cameron awake.

"Hey bro how did you sleep?" Cam asked me.

"Pretty good actually, You?" I asked him

"Good, accept for that fact that Nash kept kicking me, but you know either wise pretty good" he said causing me to laugh a little.

Then I heard my stomach growl.

"Hungry?" Cameron asked me.

"Very. We should go get something to eat" I said to him.

"Okay let's go" Cameron said getting up and putting on his shirt since he took it off.

We walked out the door and walked down io the cafeteria.

Hayes P.O.V. (Slayy Hayes Slayy)
"Hayes wake up, Hayessss" I heard

I opened my eyes to see Gabby awake poking me.

"Oh my gawd your awake!" I said jumping up

"Yeah where's Kendall?" She said with a worried look.

"Next to you" I replied

She looked over and tears were welting up in her eyes.

"She's gonna be fine the doctor even said so." I said trying to reassure her.

"Okay good" she said wiping her eyes.

"What do you remember?" I asked her.

"Umm Kendall and I were going to get some lunch I think and a car ran a red light and crashes into the side of the car, the side that Kendall was on.. And the car flipped we were awake for a little bit, I umm grabbed Kendall's hand and tried keeping her awake but it didn't work, then I tired stay awake but that didn't work either." She said frowning a little bit.

"Do you remember any pain?" I asked her wanting to know if she even realized glass went completely through her.

"Just a little, I think I was in too much shock to even realize what was going on" she replied

After talking to her for a little bit longer the guys woke up and Cameron and Taylor walked into the room.

"GABBY!!!" Cameron yelled causing everyone to wake up.

"GABBY IS AWAKE!!" Shawn yelled causing gabby to laugh a bit.

"Ow ow ow, don't make me laugh it hurts" she said holding her stomach smiling trying so hard not to laugh.

"Hello?" Nash said on his phone.

"Yeah man anything for you" he said again

"Okay yeah I'll come pick you up from the airport."

"Bye." He said finishing his conversation.

"Who was that?" Johnson asked

"Sammy." He said

"Sammy wilk?" Gilinksy asked.

"Yeah his left Nebraska cause his dad was drinking again and he has no where to go so I said he can come live with us. I hope that's okay with everyone." He said

Everyone nodded.

"Good thing we have those 2 extra bedrooms." I said to Nash.

"Yeah" he said getting up.

"Can we come with you we miss Sammy." Johnson asked along with Gilinsky.

"Yeah come on let's go" he said

After they left I talked more with Gabby about random stuff trying to help her not laugh at the guys.

"I'm so hungry, one of you guys should ask the nurse if I can eat some frickin food." Gabby said pointing at the guys.

"I will" Shawn said getting up.

He walked out into the hallway and came back in.

"She said you can whatever just be careful it may be hard for you since your having like stomach problems or whatever." He said to Gabby.

"Hayessss how much do you love me?" She said to me.

"A lot now what do you want?" I asked chuckling.

"Wanna go get me chick-fila?" She asked

"Sure, anything for you" I said giving her a kiss on the forehead and left the hospital to get her, her food.
Short Chapter!

This one kinda sucks😂

The next one will be better I promise :))


Today I just finished my wattpad trailer for my book and I might post it on my YouTube channel but I'm actually kinda proud of myself.

I go back to school in 5 days😭😭

But by the time I publish this it will probably be 2 or 3 days 😭 I really don't want to go back😂

Long authors note sorry!

Sorry for any mistakes.



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