Chapter 44

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We didn't wake up until 11:30 that morning because yesterday was a super long day. I got up feeling utterly sick, I ran for the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

"Daddy!! I think mommy is sick!" Addie yelled to Taylor.

I felt two big hands grab my hair and hold it back as I threw up.

"Ow ow ow, my stomach is hurting bad and I have a fucking massive headache." I said to Taylor holding my head.

"Let's take you to the doctor." Taylor said holding my hand and the other hand on my back.

"What about Addie?" I questioned.

"Will take her to my parents house." He said

I nodded, I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and kept my sweats on and threw a sweater in over my cami.

I slipped on my nike's and laid on the couch until Taylor was done helping Addison get ready.

Addison walked down the stairs wearing a pair of black leggings and a her mint green sweater that has white strings and a pair of her black and white nikes with her hair in a high ponytail.

"Okay let's go." I said getting up.

"Ow damn it." I said holding my stomach.

We got into Taylor's car and drove to his parents.

His mom was waiting in the steps for Addison already.

"Nana!!!" Addie cheered running for her as Taylor's mom was smiling big and holding her arms open for her.

"Hi sweetie, I missed you, your getting so big!" She smiled kissing Addie's cheek.

"Hi Hun" Taylor's mom smiled hugging me too.

"Hi Kate" (don't actually know Taylor's moms name so just go with it) I smiled at her.

"I hope you guys figure out what's wrong with you, we can keep Addison over night if you need us too." She smiled at me.

"That would be really helpful. Thank you so much." I said.

Soon Taylor and I left and drove to the hospital. I got my blood drawn and then I got my stomach looked at.

"Well this is pretty great news! The doctor smiled cheerfully.

"It is?" I questioned confused.

"You are indeed pregnant! It seems that your already 2 weeks along.He smiled at me.

"Really?!" Taylor jumped up smiling so big. The doctor nodded.

"Wow.. Another baby" I said smiling at the thought. This is so amazing.

"Come back in two weeks for your check up, hear are some pills to keep your stomach and head from aching." He said handing me a bottle.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled, Taylor and I left the hospital.

"We are having a baby!" Taylor said hugging me right in the middle of the parking lot.

"This is so amazing!" I said smiling so big. I couldn't stop smiling.

I can't wait to meet my new son or daughter. This is only the beginning.


It's going to be called 'this is only the beginning' Of course.

IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE IT, but I'm making it wear the new baby is already a couple years old and Addie will be older and they might have other kids maybe one more, i don't's gonna be exciting!!!



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