Chapter 11.

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Okay so I just picked out all of the marshmallows out of the lucky charms box and I'm eating them rn and they are so good. Definitely do this before you go back to school u will feel like you accomplished life 😂😂
Kendall's P.O.V.
I woke up and realized our flights were today. It was currently 3:30 so I got up and left my hair they way it was and put on my sweats and a sweater and my uggs because it will be kinda cold back in North Carolina considering we will be there a like 7:30 or like 8:30 idek.

I put my grey Nike sweats and my magcon sweatshirt that I had custom made. Mine was red.

"Taylor wake up we have to leave, we have to go to the airport" I said shaking him

He groaned but got up and he put on his magcon sweater that i got him. It was black and then he put on some white nike sweats.

We grabbed out suitcases and headed over to Hayes and gabby a room to get them.

They were already ready to go so we walked over to Cam and Nash's room and everyone was there and I thought it was funny cause everyone was wearing sweats and a their magcon sweatshirt that me and gabby got them.

We looked like a bunch of kindergartners who had to wear matching shirts so they don't get lost in the field trip.

We all had our suitcases and separated into cars and headed to the airport. I was in Cams car with Nash in the passengers seat cam driving me and Taylor in the middle seats and Hayes and Gabby in the back.

I layed my head on Taylor's should and he wrapped his arm under my arm and around my waist and then I fell asleep.

"KENDALL WAKE UP!!" Hayes shouted in my ear. I shot up and smacked him in the back of the head.

"Sorry it was a reflex" I said laughing as he pouted and rubbed the back of his head.

We walked into the airport and went through security and sat down in our seats waiting for our flights to be called.

Flight 304 Indiana, flight 304.

Aaron and Taylor got up. Great I'm really going to miss him and Aaron. I hugged Aaron first and Then hugged Taylor he squeezed me tightly I hugged back tighter.

"I love you Kendall" he mumbled

Wow he loves me. I thought.

"I love you too Taylor" I said back.

He leaned down and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back. I gave him on last hug.

I repeat flight 304. 304.

"Goodbye Princess" Taylor said smiling

"Goodbye Caniff" I smiled and at down waiting for my flight to be called and rested my head on Gilinskys shoulder.

"Are you excited to see Madison?" I asked Jack.

"Yes I can't wait to see her!!" He exclaimed

I smiled Jadison is so cute.

"I'm going to miss my best friend though" he said nudging me.

"Jack I will miss you too" I smiled

Me and jack have became close he was like an older brother/ best friend. A lot of these guys are my best friends but mainly Jack.

Flight 306. Flight 306 North Carolina.

I stood up and hugged all the guys.

"I'm gonna miss your angelic voice" Shawn laughed.
I laughed too.

"It's only gonna be a week" I smiled

"Yeah but Us guys have became so close to you I don't think we can stand a day without you." Matt joined the conversation.

He's right.

"Aweeee Matty I will miss you cheering me up all the time" I smiled hugging him

"FaceTime me everyday!" Matt smiled to me.

"I will" I smiled

"Kendall you better FaceTime me too" Johnson smiled to me

"And me!" Glinisky said to me.

"I will!" I smiled at them

I hugged them each one last time and when I hugged Matt he whispered to me

"If your dad is being a dick FaceTime me? And I will cheer you up" He said more like a question. I nodded my head and walked over to Nash and Gabby and Cam and Hayes as they were finishing their goodbyes too.

I repeat flight 306. 306.

We walked over to the doors and got on the plane.

I have a long ass week ahead of me.


Short chapter! Sorta 😂

So I know they said their goodbyes like they would never see each other again but whatever😂

Next Chapter will be long! Like maybe really long idek depends on what type of ideas I have😂



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