Chapter 17

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Gabbys P.O.V.

I heard a thud from upstairs and I ran up there cause it came from Kendall's room.

I didn't see her on her bed.

I heard the shower water running and I ran in there.

"Kendall?" I asked

No reply.

I was terrified so I swing the curtain open to see my best friend lying there unconscious I felt tears streaming down my face. I pick her up and I put a Tshirt on her and pj pants and the only reason I did this is because I knew she would want 8 boys seeing her naked.

I picked her up and walked to Cameron's room luckily Cameron's door was open.

I dropped right when I walked into his room with Kendall still in my arms.
I cried more and more

"Gabby? Oh my god!! What happend?!" He said with tears in his eyes

"Sh-She fell in the sh-shower" I said crying.

"Call 911 now!" He shouted grabbing her and standing up going down the stairs.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone and called 911. When I got off the phone I rushed to Cameron struggling to get down the stairs.

"NASH!!!" I screamed through tears

"JACKS!!" I screamed more


"Wha-OH MY GOD KENDALL!!" Taylor shouted bursting out of his room. He grabbed her and ran down the stairs and layed her on the island.
Taylor's P.O.V. (YASSSS)
As soon as I saw Kendall I grabbed her and layed her in the island.

"What happened?!?" Nash asked through his tears.

"I don't know ask gabby!" I said holding Kendall giving her mouth to mouth.

"Taylor she is breathing calm down.." Cameron said

"I know I'm just so worried!!" I shouted to him crying.

The ambulance arrived and Nash rode in there since he was her brother I jumped into Cameron's car with Gabby Hayes and The jacks the others were in Matthews car.

I rushed into the hospital.

"GRIER!! KENDALL GRIER WHAT ROOM?!??" I shouted to the lady.

"Room 304" she said calmly

"Thank you" I heard Shawn say running behind me and the other guys

"301, 302,303,304!!" I opened the door and saw Kendall hooked up to a machine and her heartbeat was at normal pace.

She looked so worn out yet still so beautiful.

I pulled a chair next to her and grabbed her hand, I felt her hand squeeze mine I looked up and her eyes fluttered open.

"Princess..." I whispered smiling to her

She gave me a small smile. "What happened?" She asked

"You slipped and fell in the shower and you hit your head but you can home home as soon as you like as long as you take this pills to help your headaches and just take it easy." A nurse said from behind me.

"I wanna go home now then." She demanded

"Okay we just need a guardian or a parent to sign this." The nurse said to her.

"Umm I don't live with my parents but I live with my brother" she smiled

"Well he can sign it then." She smiled lightly

The lady asked which one was here brother, since there were 8 guys in here.

"I am" Nash said grabbing the clipboard from the nurse signing the paper.

"Okay Miss Grier, you are good to go whenever you feel comfortable leaving" she said walking out of the room.

"How is your head?" Hayes asked with a tear stained face.

"Good it doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would." She smiled

"The doctor said you took a pretty hard fall" Nash said.

"I told you, that you were a strong kitten" Jack G said smiling.

"Yeah I guess, can we go now?" She asked

"Yes let's go" Nash said smiling at her.

She got up and walked into the bathroom to change back into what Gabby changed her into and came back and we left the hospital.

I got in Cams car with Kendall and she layed her head on my shoulder.

"I'm so glad your okay" I said pecking her lips

"Me too" she said laughing.

Damn I love that laugh.

She lied her head back on my shoulder and she fell asleep.

When we got home I carried her up to my room and I wrapped my arms sprung her waist and she mumbled a "I love you Caniff"

I smiled. "I love you too beautiful"

And with that I fell asleep.

So this was kinda a long chapter!

But it wasn't as long as my other ones.

the next one will be long!! Yayayaya!



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